Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:29 AM

number 5 made by jack? (LOUSY! mine is better!)

went out around 3.30 to meet danah at bedok inter.
around 4 reached bedok.
then went to buy some stuffs and headed to where the bball players practicing.

reached there, sat for a while and then jonny told us that they going somewhere else to train.
danah and i tompang mr hiu's car cos the bballers had to run to the place where they gonna train.

slacked with danah.
ranted out what we two feel at that point.
kinda fun i guess, talked about some lame stuffs as well.

the bballers training damn --"
they had to go up and down the stairs for like 5 times.
completed everything le, they do zen thingy.
mr hiu kinda evil and did something.

around 5pm, everything finished.
wanted to cycle but all the bballers tired.
went to buy and drink bubble tea.
jackyass bought for me but both totally sucks. --"

went to parkway with danah, ern and jonny.
jackson went home and then met us when he finished.
walked around parkway thinking of where to eat.
finally, decided on pastamania.

realised that everyone's birthday is always at pastamania. LOL! :DD
jacky and me got 30% off cos one girl who we dont know who, works there. ((:

after finish eating, went to nz to eat ice cream.
ern asked me to pay so yeah, i paid. --"
crapped while eating.
when all decided to go back, jackson go buy bubble tea. (how many bubble tea you gonna drink in one day?!!)

slacked in front of the bubble tea shop.
ern, who is so tired from the bball training, become so alive again cos of some stuffs. --"

took bus home and thanks again to those 4 people who send me home! :DD

OMF. i think i sense trouble coming up! --"
i damn shy cos of those 2 or 4 people!
gonna beat them up when i see them.
i shall not say anything to prevent something from happening.
am being good now! :DD

be grateful!! XDD
am a kind soul? LOL!

happy belated birthday to jonny.
happy birthday to aniela, fathin and jue ying!
happy advance birthday to eugene seoh! :DD

Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:43 PM

ern, zack, jack, guanan, afina and danah. ((:

this few days kinda fun i guess.
clip up my fringe for the whole week and i plan to do that until my fringe get longer.

comment for the week.
monday was okay.
tuesday was okay.
wednesday was okay.
thursday was okay.
friday was okay.

well, tuesday was danah's birthday.
celebrate it with afina and guannie.
after ern end his bball, he cam with jack and zack to celebrate danah's birthday.
got some bad stuffs i guess?

thursday was really okay except for the pe lesson. --"
after school, went out with danah to tamp then to bedok.
shopped with her.

friday, got girl guide.
not really fun i guess.
after gg, went home to bathe and change.
went out to parkway to meet the bballers.
reached there, realised that zack was the last one.
shocked to see ern that he look so ah-bengish.
glad that my fringe was okay! :DD

waited and waited.
joked around as well.
finally, zack came.
we were like wahh all black except for eugene. (he was wearing red shirt)
somehow eugene look like the gang leader! lol.

while walking towards ecp, saw one group all white except for one guy using red.
we were like LOL?
idk who said "eugene go fight with the red shirt guy"

reached the pit, almost all the people we dont know.
we sat on one corner.
emo-ed there with the rest.
jack and zack were like somehow gaying? ((:
cos they lie down on the rock side near the sea there.
only both of them and its like at night so cant see anything. ROFL! :DD

in the end, everyone did the same thing as the two of them.
lie down then emo-ed.
gonna whack jack and dannish to make me ps. --"

around 9.45, we all zhao to parkway.
ate snow ice and the whole shop were like owned by us. ((:
after that, say goodbye to zack cos he take different side of bus with us. (well, he took taxi again instead of bus) --"
took bus home with ern, eugene, jackson, kai xiang and another guy. (i know how to read your name but idk how to spell your name, sorry!)

kai xiang said that am lucky cos i got 5 people to send me home.
i was like "not really, from 9 to 5 lei"
hahaha. ((:

really appriciate the thought people! :DD

i realised that life is not so simple.
so many complicated things are happening around us.
its impossible for the good things to happen all the time.
after good thing, there is always the bad thing.

what are friends for?
cant really trust those people who just act to be friend with you.

Sunday, July 19, 2009 10:37 PM

alicia baby and me webcam-ing! :DD

lets start with yesterday?
ermm, supposed to go with danah and guannie to go parkway and then tamp.
but danah said she got movie date and left me and guannie.
well, gonna ignore danah, go cut hair. --"

went to eat at ajisen with guannie.
crapped a lot of stuffs. [[:
after that went home and i supposed to do hwk but well, i didnt do. --"

and today, went to have tuition, 2 tuitions.
kinda took the wrong bus but luckily, i reached there safe and sound.
so so, tuition for 4h30min and then i finally able to go back home.

reached home, webcam-ed with baby and then talked about stuffs?
i gonna live with regret about this hairstyle that i have now. --"
byes! :DD

MY FRINGE! fuck sia! --"
i bet, almost the whole class gonna laugh at me.
i no face go school. sian!
someone help me! --" LOL!

Friday, July 17, 2009 12:11 AM

from top to bottom, ern-8, alicia-9 and me-10.

everyday, feeling high and low.
forgotten about yesterday and only can describe little things about today.
school was okay and i was not late. thanks to umay for waking me up! :DD
i was late yesterday and yeah, spend money for taking taxi. fuck it!

during recess, amos, eugene and me were like making umayrah suffer! XDD
then my phone gone. --" yun shan take it then i didnt touch my phone for one lesson.
after school, went to do hwk with umay and others? (forgotten who)
amos came to my class to gimme water since i asked him to help me buy, thanks lots!

gossip-ed about stuffs as well singing some songs with amos and umay. ((:
went to look for ms heng and ms sng. (still not used to call ms sng as mrs lau)
chatted with ms sng for a while and then headed home.

went to 7-11 and brought some food for me to eat since i damn hungry.
reached home, found jia jie at home. (not surprised cos i somehow knew that he will come to my house. lol)
eat, use laptop and then took a nap.

around 8, went to look for ern with guannie and realised he on the way to tp. --"
went to tp with guannie and chatted non-stop about hows life. (kinda fun, lol)

ate dinner with danah, ern and guannie.
went to send ern home and then danah and guannie send me home.
thats all! :DD

hey, am sorry for everything. i shouldn't have told to you that.
is my fault, am in the wrong.
don't look so sad.

i wonder how long since you shed tears out of your eyes.
i wonder how long more until you smile again.
i wonder how long more since you will be able to look up with high and mighty face again.
i wonder and wonder....

and now, i realised that i really regretted it.
i won't say a thing, really.
and what i can only hope is that you will regain your smile again as soon as possible.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 8:04 PM

eugene and ern sitting at the back.

i cant really remember what had happened for this few days.
just remembered that i was late for twice including today and had to take taxi. TT_TT
gonna blog about today only. ((:

well, the only thing that i remember during school hours is during chinese lesson.
alicia, ern, eugene and me were supposed to go for chinese class but we didn't go.
the four of us sat near each other (ern and eugene sat in front of alicia and me).
i told them that i will go to the chinese class when it is 9am. --"

when it was almost 9am, mr twang came to our class.
the four of us were shocked and we panic like hell. --"
alicia, ern and eugene just turned around while i pretend to sleep.
we were like laughing but anxious as well.

after mr twang left the class, the four of us ran towards the chinese class. lol.
to say the truth, it was pretty fun. XDD
when we reached class, then ern and eugene sat behind and then watched some 3ea students play 'stress' (sorry, idk how to spell their names).
eugene was like you can put 2.... bla bla bla.

so so, after school, rushed to esso with alicia, ern and yun shan.
went for enrichment and it was kinda boring for others but to me, its ok ok bahh.
then got one part, mr fong, the teacher in charge, said "keep your dog.. cat... .... .... ..... chicken away from you when you studying" (something like that).
those who called me chicken were like "CHICKEN". --"

after the class, went to parkway to meet up with rosemary and sukanya.
do young cannot make it cos she got test tomorrow.
i could say that today is damn wahh. met a lot of people sia.
the one that i know: cherry [ccss], tian xiang [ex-classmate, tkps], ying dong [ccss] and vivian [rosemary's friend].

around almost 7pm, met with alicia baby and then she left after giving me the stuffs for history project.
decided to go back as well since i haven't complete my history projects and other homeworks.
walked with sukanya to the bus stop.
met baby again at bus stop and went home with her.

the end.

i need to sleep early and wake up early and do things fast.
umay once told me that i will be the first person to die if there is fire cos i pack things very slow.
and i think is very true so i need to speed up!
history homework is killing me! arrrggghh! ciao!

Sunday, July 12, 2009 2:04 AM

ern with 38 (i love 8 not 3) and the food! :DD

well, its been so long since i last post.
many things happened! lol (of cos --")
ermm, lets start with 040709.

didn't go for baby's birthday cos i got that damn tuition.
the tuition teacher shift the time to earlier. (RAWRR!)
ps to baby, cherry, yi ting and the rest. (i know its late to say it now)

move on to 050709.
didnt go for ern's surprise party.
so yeah, nothing blog about it.
at night, plan with ern about his bd.
thats what ern wrote to me and asked me to spam to the class.
evil ern. waste my money only! --"

then youth day holiday which is 060709.
went to meet up with atwell, ben, dan, ern, jackson, reagan and shaz at school bus stop.
the plan that i think so hard of kena change everthing. --"
to cut it short, cafe cartel - pizza hut - parkway - pool - go home - tuition - pastamania - breadtalk - go fountain there eat cake - go home with the rest.
well, it was fun! :DD

pizza hut with the 8 of us! :DD

the disgusting coke plus cheese done by jackky-ass to all of our drink at pizza hut.

cake and ern! 15 years old le! ((:

sadly, the day after 060709 is 070709.
school reopen le. --"
not really fun but passed the day successfully.
got send to ea for english. (bad luck?)

080709 not so fun bahh. i don't remember doing anything fun?

090709 got pe. --"
toture like hell. i kena redo the shuttle run.
kinda fun bahh. interesting to watch others. ((:

next day, 100709.
during recess, went to tell ade and umay to go same poly with me so we three can play scissors-paper-stone. ((:
only the 3 of us understand this i guess. haha.
went for gg meeting then headed home.
ate dinner at ayam penyet with ern, danah, jackson and yun shan.
on the way to the playground at my house there, ern realised his earphone rubber lost.
so we all went to search for it with him till my house bus stop. --"

at snow ice while waiting for danah to come.

jackky-ass and ern at the lift there.

jackky-ass demand us to close our eyes while taking photo.
cos i keep closing my eyes or my eyes too small. --"

and so, today! 110709. (i think yesterday le)
went to parkway mcd with alicia to do hwk.
met sukanya! (100709, met with dy and rose!)
around 5 plus, go pp building and met jordy and jeco.
i left first and went home to put stuffs.

went to tamp and met up with danah, ern, guannie and jonny.
looked around at tamp1 to find place to eat but no luck.
move to tamp mall and eat at ajisen.
jacky-ass then arrive. --"

headed home with the rest after that.
chatted with jackky on the bus to my house. lol.
so yeah, it was fun after all! :DD (i mean the whole day)

and thats the end of all! (i think you readers happy le cos i finally finish typing)

life gonna become difficult. --" sian arr! )):
happy belated birthday to alicia, yi ting and ern.
arr fuck. happy birthday to all july people lahh! --"

Friday, July 3, 2009 11:24 PM

since i have no photo right now, i put video instead. haha.
this song was played during cme lesson and i was like 'ehh, nice song arr' ((:
and yeah, i know its been more than 3 weeks since i last blog.
well, my excuse is always be the same 'either too busy or too lazy'

during the last week of holiday, went out to mcd with cherry and xiao ying to do hwk.
well, one of the days, went to school for gg stuffs and then went out with cherry.
the whole week was full with cherry and xiao ying. ((:

then, the bad thing happened, that is the school reopen!
dammit, its fun i guess since i have alicia to keep me company all the time. [[:
my class got too many with the 'changing teacher' thing. sian.

today, am being transfered to ms sng's mrs lau's english class.
dammit, i want to stay at ms lim's class!
i hope good things happen!

went to tampines with cherry, min yi, lu yi and min yi's housemate.
parted with MY, LY and MY's housemate since cherry and i were searching for presents.
looked around, finally, bought alicia's present and then yi ting's and amalia's.
the last one thats it, someone's birthday that coming pretty soon.

finally, alicia came! ((:
bad, depressing, happy and sad stuffs happened!
all of the four emotions happened cos of smses. --"

people like spam msg to me sia. i bet you know how it feels!
like when you are tying, then sms received (the first lag).
continue to type again, sms arrived (second lag).
then type type type , sms sms sms sms all come! (lag lag lag lag), i was like FUCK you people who sms me lahh! --"

and of cos, i had fun going out with baby and laopo. ((:
but, i had to pay the price sia, MY FEETS HURT cos i walked too much.
in addition, MY SHOULDERS as well! ))':
overall, it was FUN! seriously fun! (for me) :DD

might be going to alicia's and yi ting's schedule tomorrow.
okays, i gonna sleep le. too tired to think!
tomorrow, i needa plan my day carefully... wait! i think i suppose to plan now right? --"
okay okay, i really gonna give up on thinking tight now and go to my beddy bed.

nights everyone!