Sunday, May 31, 2009 11:30 PM

yeah, thats what my hair look like now.

went out with cherry and xiao ying to go cut my hair.
at first, was thinking to cut short but cherry said to cut like that.
so cut cut cut and ta-da! like that lorr.
might cut my hair again after i come back from indo. --"
today i damn mix mood.

at night went to parkway to company my sis buy stuffs.
reached home, started to pack my stuffs.
hais. am not ready to go back to indo yet. --"
will cut my hair short after ms sng's wedding bahh.
farewell! :DD

i gonna miss the internet the most! TT LOLS.

Saturday, May 30, 2009 11:52 PM

3eb loves. ((:

yeah, the picture is not talking about the day lahh. --"
went out with cherry, ern, eugene, reagan, 2 other guys who i don't know how to spell their name.
watched night at the museum 2.
laughed like hell. hahas. its really funny even though i didnt watch the 1st one. ((:
after the movie, went back home. lols. --"
kinda retarded i guess.

at night went to parkway to find my sis and indah.
looked around for a while and then went back home.
damn tired. orh fuck. --"

what the hell sia? people sms then reply lahh! --"

Friday, May 29, 2009 11:15 PM

alicia and me. ((:
[i know i look retarded --"]

woke up late and then rushed to school.
went to lab to give frankie back the laptop and met amos.
he showed me the npcc video since i kept asking him to let me see it. ((:
met with alicia and chatted with her.
after a while, went to staff room to give mrs fua the musical form and then go to classroom see ah twang (mr twang's nickname that i always use).
talked about the repoort thingy then headed to general office to ask for the form to make ez-link card.

bad luck filled the day cos i saw ms lim and mr hiu many times. --"
went to help eugene do his copying homework before i left.
headed home and then go to bedok.
met up with danah and headed to pasir ris. --"
after finish doing my ez-link card, went to ica's house.
rushed home and tried many things. --"
went to ica's house again before heading to school.
took taxi many times. dammit.

the musical thingy quite ok ok bahh.
idk what the hell they talking. 0_o
after the muscial, went to eat with ica, olivia, akka, umar, katherine, eddy and ade.
search here and there, change buses, in the end, didnt go eat.
each of us went home except for akka, umar and me.
i went to mcd to take away while akka and umar go ayam penyet.
on the way home, met rashana and des. ((:

2 more days. dammit! --" HAPPY BIRTHDAY EUGENE LEE! :DD

Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:37 PM

LOL! eugene and ern playing swing! :DD

collect newspaper day! :DD
group: alicia, ade, umay and me.
went to think blk 50 which is actually no one living there le. --"
damn scary. out of 6 blocks, only 1 got residents.
drank bubble tea with umay, siti, atwell, ade, alicia and shaz.
chat, laughed, crap and then headed to school with everyone except for alicia and atwell.

went to attend the cca leadership meeting.
kinda had fun. ((:
on the way to esso with ica, met jirapon. XDD
helped him with some stuffs so didnt go to esso.
after that, went home and rest. [[:

i really need to study hard le. headache keep coming non-stop! ARRGGHH!! --"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 11:44 PM

3ea and 3eb! :DD

went to discovery centre with the whole sec 3 people.
alicia didnt come. --"
had fun especially during our lunch. ((:
bought really big pizza for 3 girls: yi ting, umay and me. hahas.
after the outing, went back to school for the enrichment thingy.

after that, went for the softball tournament? o_O
went with shaz, ade, ica, siti, sally and ern.
cherry went back cos of something. --"
after the game, siti, umay, another girl (sorry, i dont know how to spell your name) and me were talking about hwa chong's number 9.
we said that that guy is hot. hahas. kinda funny when i think about it again.
went home after going with sally and ica to hawker centre. ((:

dammit, is like i getting hurt for no reason? FUCK SIA. --"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009 11:05 PM

jun pyo, jan di, ji hoo, yi jung and woo bing. ((:

kinda sick in the morning.
thanks for those people who showed concern to me! :DD
love ya people!
got back all the paper except for english paper 1. --"
i think this year overall i gonna fail badly.
fail subjects: a and e maths, social studies, chinese and dnt. --"
pass subjects: history, physics, chem and english paper 2.

dammit! needa study harder le. parents complaining le. --"
tomorrow gonna meet up with dy, rose and su for dinner after the softball competition.
man, life is getting harder by each day.
2 more days then holiday.
going back to indo for 10 days.
orh ya, for sv people, i cant meet ya on 27 june. sorry about it! TT

today after school, got oral. kinda nervous but hopefully i pass.
went to look for ms wu for my dnt mark.
kinda sad about it. 5 more marks to pass. dammit!
people! donate me 5 marks! )):
made ms wu and danah stayed back for me to help me do my a maths corrections.
they really do have hard time cos i copied the questions wrongly.
xiao ying helped me as well. thanks lot people! :DD

after completing the a maths corrections, went to esso with danah.
we ate noodle at the bus stop. yeah, i know it sounds crazy but we actually do that.
cos its kinda drizzling and no place to eat so we eat at bus stop.
lols. its kinda fun actually. people were looking at us even the people inside the bus. --"
took bus 48 and saw fina and des. went home and watch drama all the way.
finished watching boys before flowers.
and its true that it is really nice and touching. ((:

bbyee! :DD


Monday, May 25, 2009 3:29 PM

sukanya, do young, rosemary.

its been like so long since last update excluding the post before this. --"
well, exams had been a killer for the past one week and 1 day.
i expect i got a few red marks. --"
my mum went back on 190509.
kinda sad and missing her.
i might be going back to indo for a week i guess.

went out with sukanya at around 1pm to find presents for rosemary and dy.
ate lunch and then went around shops.
finally, without thinking twice, went to buy perfumes for both of them.

you two better tresure it! it made sukanya and me broke for the day.

after buying the gifts, realised that it was only 3pm which is like 3 more hours before the meeting time.
we went to borders and talked about big bang, wondergirls and 2ne1 while reading magazines.
finally, its 6pm and we met with dy and rosemary.

ate at pastamania and i met someone from school. o_o
wanted to go watch movie but didn't cos i can't go.
so we decide that we will meet again and watch movie together.
went to snow ice. ate, crap, laugh and talked.
rose said she wanted to go playground and all of us went.
take photos, talked, laughed and etc.

went to mcd since the weather became very warm.
talked, crapped, laughed, take photos.
around 10pm, went home. is my music blog for now.

Saturday, May 23, 2009 10:26 PM

street version.

space version.

2ne1 is so awesome! :DD

talked about 2ne1 with sukanya today ((: awesome band.
everyone love CL so much. well, she the leader of the band. ((:
orh btw, minzy is only 15 years old. is so like OMG. XDD
dara's hairstyle is currently popular in korea. lols. ((:
orh ya, CL is 18 years old. XDD
very talented band i guess. ((:
i like the space version more than the street one.
and i definitely love CL spec and the headphone all the girls wear during the space version one. X33
will post later again. see ya! :DD

Saturday, May 9, 2009 8:06 PM

i just simply love them! :DD
T.O.P, Seung Ri, Tae Yang, Dae Sung & G-Dragon.

woke up pretty late today.
went to airport with indah, tommy and chris.
sis went to fetch mum first.
after waiting for more than 30 min, finally, my mum and indah's dad came out.

why they took so long to come out?
because of indah's dad. --"
he kena suspect cos for 4 years he never come to singapore.
after that, went home and unpack.

saw many noodles. ((:
yay! yay! yay!
cook some for myself since i was starving.
while eating, went to use laptop.

around 2pm, went to take a nap sleep till 6pm.
supposedly, wanted to take a nap for an hour.
but in the end, slept for 4 hours. --"

now, trying to finish the video as well as homework.
still owe teacher a lots of them.
to make it worse, it due by yesterday. --"
dammit. exams starting soon.

150509: english paper 1 & history
180509: english paper 2 & social studies
190509: e maths paper 1 & combine chemistry
200509: e maths paper 2 & combine physics
210509: a maths
220509: dnt

why no chinese? cos i took chinese le. ((:
its on the 060509. difficult paper. --"
i probably will get C6 and below.
all the best for myself bahh! :DD


hating school and loving school as well. big bang is awesome! :DD

Friday, May 8, 2009 11:53 PM

eugene was shy! (didnt take picture on time. damn!)

school was fun, tiring and etc.
slept like 4am everyday and wake up very late.
for the week, late 2 times (barely on time but if its like normal day, i considered as late) and today make it become 3 times.
omg. am so good at coming late to school! :DD
today is the best! i reached school at just nice 8.30am! so i skipped pe lesson.
at first didnt want to come to school and then umay told me to go to school so i went. ((:
helped ms sng do her video for the week. kinda tiring but fun as well. ((:

today i like the history class the most! :DD
it is so super fun! ((:
ern join our history class and the history students got project.
ms sng was like deciding which group he will go.
she said: "who want to adopt ern?"
everyone was like trying to get ern except for someone. ((:
brandon's and eugene's group were rejected (they same group but ms sng forgotten that) were rejected.
if the 3 of them got together, you will never know whats gonna happen next. --"
so ms sng put ern in alicia's group which is also got eugene and brandon.
we were laughing non-stop until ms sng finally decided to put ern in siti's group.

ate mcd after school. i had to call the mcd delivery cos eugene dont want to call.
after waiting for less than 45 min, all of us (alicia, eugene, isabella, janice, umay and me) went to eat our food.
enjoyed the time we ate together, is like so long since all of us ate together.
remembered about our sec one life when our class was so small (25 people like that) and all of us eat together. ((:

at 2pm, went to extra history class. joked around a bit.
i forgotten how but suddenly it became "brandon is heni's bf!"
then i shouted: "eugene is xy's bf!"
and some of us keep shouting here and there about this thing. ((:
eugene was so SHY!
i think his face like turn red? XDD

after class, had fight (fun way) with eugene. damn him!
i gonna curse you for what you did to my phone is the boy's toilet!
i shall throw your phone in the girls' toilet bowl next time! [[:
he spoiled my handphone thingy and i took his phone memory card.
its still with me now. i gonna give it to xy. ahahahhahas! :DD
went to the bus stop with brandon and chat along the way.
talk about nonsense stuffs but it was fun! :DD

monday no school! YAY! :DD
tomorrow my mum coming. --"
bye bye! [[:

am so gonna curse you eugene! )):