Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:47 PM

all the homeworks that we got in one week and expected to finish it within one week as well.

since my class got too many homework, i go suggest to write all the homework on the white board.
just to tell teachers that we got too many homework.
and we wrote the homework until like this. hahas. ((:

ms wang said: "the white board if for all your homework." --"

NO more homework please? TT_TT

Wednesday, April 29, 2009 11:21 PM

table use for detention.

stayed back to company sally and jensen to finish their stuffs.
so i went to do my homework at the detention table.
the teachers who know me were like: "what are you doing here?"
then i replied: "detention lorr. what else?"
some of them gimme that "HEH?!" face. lols.
then i said: "no lahh. doing hwk while waiting for friend."

went home with jensen and sally. ((:
homeworks just kept piling up and i have no time to do them all. ))':

i just simply hate homeworks! ))':

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 11:09 PM

6 flavours from marigold jelly? ((:

cant remember all. just that i stay back with ica and sally to do chinese stuffs.
went to buy the 6 flavours of the jellies that my school sell. ((:
wach of us take different flavour. XDD
had fun taking piture of it.
hahas. [[:

will link or relink you people soon. ((:

lalala. am addicted to green colour! so many homework to be done! ))':

Monday, April 27, 2009 11:10 PM

the tea stain on my classroom.
(ade spilled the water but the tea stain was already there for almost 2 moths le) --"

kinda okay except i keep falling asleep in school.
dammit! i gotta sleep earlier! --"

chinese class was at L1R5! :DD
aircorn! aircorn! aircorn!
but cher was kinda angry cos we never complete our homeworks.
she give us the whole lesson to finish up all our homework.
and of cos, i didnt complete all. ((:

after school, went to class to do some decoration.
decorate with ade and shaz (i think ade was forced to help).
having fun while decorating. ((:
realised that i supposed to do my chem re-test but i didnt do in the end.
didnt study as well as dont want to fail for my re-test.

why? i had experience having re-tests and failed them all. --"
i took 2 re-test for physics and failed both.
the worst thing is that both the re-test had the same questions.
dammit! i remembered the time when ms wang showed us the marks of the test.
eugene was like : "3.5 sia! 3.5!"
yupp, 3.5 was my mark. --" 3.5/25.
the first re-test i got 6/25 and the second re-test i got 12/25.
am the only one who took 2 re-test. --"

shall study harded! bye readers! :DD

i want to sleep earlier! dammit!

Saturday, April 25, 2009 12:18 PM

at playground near marine parade library.

in the afternoon had english tuition for 1h30 min.
at around 4.30pm, had science tuition for 3h. --"
damn tired and i need to go to shalin's bbq there.
actually, dont feel like going at all but my sister kind of force me go.

reach shalin's house at around 9pm. --" (i know its very late)
stoned at the front gate with my sis, indah, shalin and shalin's two sister.
the reason was that we dont even know the people there.
even shalin and her sisters also dont know them.
well, shalin explained that they all from her grandma church.

we like so 'malu malu' go there take food. --"
after going round and round the place, finally settle down at one place.
missed the maid a lot. she very friendly person so the house people like her.
laughed, joked, crapped and talked.
it was FUN! :DD

around 10pm, went to the playground to play.
swing swing swing like crazy.
play and chat until 11pm and then went home.
my sis went home first followed by me and my cousin.

am missing those days that all of us spend together during that one year!
hopefully we all can stay together again! :DD

Friday, April 24, 2009 2:57 AM

girl guides' seniors (huisi, ru wei, bianda, tracy, wanting and yiyan)

ran 2.4km early in the morning. --"
i walked for almost 3 min.
then the result damn sucky.
umay and alicia didnt run. TT_TT
i had to run with those fast people.
dammit sia! --"

school lesson was okay.
the most fun one is the e maths lesson.
eugene talked horny stuffs again and it made alicia and i laugh non-stop.

girl guide was okay okay bahh.
now i starting to enjoy it again.
discussed about the farewell party for the seniors.
kinda fun discussing about it. (gg seniors, do look forward okay?)
played floorball and mrt game again.

after gg, went to parkway with danah to meet sy.
met my sister there and helped her carry some stuffs.
talked with danah and sy infront of the bubble tea shop.
there, met my sister again. --"
on the way to mcd, my sis called using the house phone that she lost her phone somewhere at parkway and want me to help her look for her phone.
saw xiao ying's sister and brother on the way to look for my sis's phone.
i look at him, he look at me. then ignore each other. hahas. ((:
danah and sy helped to look for the phone as well.

in the end, cannot find the phone and went to eat at mcd.
crapped there and saw sy's friend at mcd.
around 8.30pm, went home and then watch tv. ((:

OMF, i gonna miss the seniors in the future!
all the best for your O's and N's!

Thursday, April 23, 2009 8:47 PM

my long a waited ferrero! :DD

old photo again. dammit. --"
btw, i realised that day by day, i slept later and later.
monday i slept at around 2am.
tuesday about 3am then sleep.
wednesday was the worst, 4.45am then sleep.
wow, i wonder what time i will sleep today. --"

the only thing that is funny was during e maths lesson.
i was grouped with eugene, joe and alicia.
we were like talking crap non-stop.
and idk how, i went to have small debate with eugene.
we were like comparing results.
in the end, i told him to compare our mid year class position.
eugene said "if my class position is higher than you, you go date brandon for 1 week and must hold hand... kiss also can lahh!"
so i said "if my class position is higher than you, you go date hai yen... or atwell for one week. same condition!"

idk how, we (the four of us) talk until censored stuffs. --"
we were like laughing non stop. ((:
when atwell came to my group there, eugene said something about blow job.
atwell then said "what is blow job?"
all of us then laugh very loud. --"
joe explained to her by some stupid movements that is somehow connected to it and somehow not connected.
then eugene or alicia or i said "go ask ern. he will tell you"
in the end, she didnt ask. lols.

dnt lesson was kinda okay.
mr tan was the one conducting the lesson instead of ms wu.
am missing her le. --"
after mr tan gave out the paper, he saw umay and me smiling then he said "you all fail still can smile arr?"
i forgotten why i was smiling with umay.
if ms wu teaches us instead, i think ade and me will be laughing at hai yen le. --"
we damn evil. hahas. ((:

just remembered that i will be doing 2.4km tomorrow.
and now, my whole body aches. --"
dammit! all the best for myself bahh. TT_TT

2.4km, i gonna curse you soon!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 8:20 PM

during AAD. ((:

damn. am short of photos. --" yeah yeah, i looked retarded.
i agree with that point too. ((:
i didnt take photo of the day so yeah, had to use old photos.
i shall remember to take photo everyday. [[:

okays, back on topic, had dnt test today.
and OMF, i so 100% sure i gonna fail. hahas.
the whole class was like "dammit!"
only hai yen was confident with the paper.
mr tan told us that those who said "i never study" are actually the one who studied.
we were like LOLS! so true! :DD
but that didnt apply for me. when i said i nvr study means i never study. ((:

after the test, ade and me made a deal that if hai yen fail the test, we gonna laugh at her.
why? cos she was like boasting when ms wu review with us the questions after the test.

during break, ms wu told me that i failed the test. as expected. ((:
after that, chiong back to class for a course.
damn sian cos need to mix with the 3n1.
not to be bias or mean or bad or anything but i find them very noisy (some only).
i really prefer to be mix with the ea if i got a choice.
sorry if i offend someone about this thingy.

went to hall for the napfa test.
got punished by ms chan cos we never shout. --"
do jumping jack for 10 times.
had to do standing board jump for the first station.
followed by sit and reach, pull up, shuttle run (did i spell it correctly?) and sit up.
okay seriously, wanna say something bus i shall not cos i dont want to offend anyone le.
after that, waited for the ea girls to finish and then headed home.

OMF! i hate making notes! TT_TT

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 6:54 PM

this is how brandon sit when his table got a lot of books.

kinda had fun during lesson but i forgotten again what happened.
the only thing i remembered was during chem's lesson.
i dont know who started it first and there was a chemical bonding on the white board.
with joe's and cherry's name in the chemical thingy.

after that, brandon change cherry to zhuang lei.
then, zhuang lei went to the board to change to idk what.
during that time, idk who said to put me and eugene.
i was like saying "yeah yeah..." and i went "HUH?! say what?" --"
those who saw me doing that was like laughing.

when i looked at the board, i saw my name with someone.
so i went up to the board and change my name to eugene's (if am not wrong).
then he went infront and change to hai yen's name.
i forgotten how but it ended up ade and hai yen.
he was like "HEY!". i thought he wont go to the board and just ignore it.
but, he went there to erase the whole thing.
just when i thought that he gonna erase his name only and put someone's else name.

so it was funny cos everyone went to the board and change their name to someone's else. ((:
tomorrow is napfa test. all the best bahh. [[:


Monday, April 20, 2009 12:13 AM

i hate this school! --"

class was kinda fun. forgotten what happened actually.
after school, danah and i went to AHS to pass sy his physics book.
before that, we went to look for my milk tea for tomorrow.
after that, looked around at a cake shop. ((:
around 6.15pm, we walked here and there for many times and finally managed to give sy back his book.

why i hate his school?

arrgghh! i totally hate his school!
those people who can actually transfer to his school and didnt, pray god that you didnt!
you should be grateful for not going there man!

tired tired tired. --"

remembered about this video when my sis and cousin were watching funny stuffs.
do enjoy bahh! :DD

Saturday, April 18, 2009 12:13 AM

sy carrying danah. ((:

went to NTUC to buy sweet with danah and then meet up with sy later on.
danah and i just realised that sy actually never tried the chocolate green apple red tea bubble tea before. --"
so we forced him to buy it and ask him to drink it.
at first, he dont want to try but later, he said "not bad!" ((:

went to mcd to have our fast dinner. ((:
crap like crazy. we had fun playing with sy's friends' feeling.
not the bad way. just that we bluff them.
walked to ECP since sy was roller blading to parkway.
after that, we walked back and took bus home.


Friday, April 17, 2009 7:04 PM

chocolate green apple red tea bubble tea. ((:

woke up early and headed to school by 7.10am like that.
met up with danah, holly and sec two guy.
waited for mr chia to give us a free ride. ((:
he got inside the car by 7.20am like that and we were supposed to reach ECP by 7.30am.
we were like: "MR CHIA! HURRY! WE GONNA BE LATE!"

we somehow regretted saying that cos he speed up. --"
he stop then speed and then stop and then speed.
is like our body move front and back and front and back.
and we reached ECP by 7.25am like that?

settled down at my class row.
around 15 min before the 2.4 start, went to do my duty. ((:
being a road marshal was kinda fun.
i was stationed nearing the end with jenny.
we cheered for the runners non-stop. ((:

it was around afternoon when we finally got dismissed.
went to parkway to eat with afina, danah, jackyass, kai yiu, des and shana.
guannie joined us when we were eating half-way.
the bad thing about this day is my right eye. TT_TT

des, fina and shana went somewhere while the rest of us went around parkway.
bought chocolate green apple red tea bubble tea.
it was recomemded by sy and i thought i should just try.
when i said out what i want to the bubble tea uncle, he was giving me that kinda of 'sure you want to drink that?' --"
he asked me if i have any doubt and really gonna buy that flavour and i said yes.

drank the bubble tea and it tastes kinda weird but at the same time, it tastes nice. ((:
you people should go try that as well! :DD
went to snow ice at katong and when walking towards roxy there, got something happened. --"
the bubble tea fly and was all over the floor.
went to clean the floor with the 4 of them.
thanks to the uncle who helped us while cleaning the floor.
so there goes my chocolate green apple red tea bubble tea. --"

ate while crapping at the snow ice.
jackyass and kai yiu went home cos they very tired.
while the 3 of us headed to ica's house there to go to a clinic for guannie.
as danah and i waiting for guannie, got some random people talking about gucci stuffs.
said that the bag cost $7.5k like that.
i was like: "really?! o.o"

went to crap with danah and guannie non-stop.
we were like ******** non-stop. hahas.
from A to Z and then from Z to A. kinda fun and funny by how we talked to each other.
went to send guannie home and then we headed to my house playground to chat.
bought some stuffs to eat while chatting.
chat from 5pm to 8pm like that. --"
send danah to the bus stop around 8pm and i headed to my house.

a fun day yet tiring day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009 10:39 PM

i want this. ((:

its kinda been almost two weeks since i last blog. --"
wanted to post on its actual day but too lazy.
remembered some stuffs only and i shall write them here.

went out to eat dinner with my sister as well as my cousins.
saw eric and someone (forgotten his name).
after that, went to snow ice shop and saw afina, danah and wilson.
when we were about to leave, fifi came.

had terrible headache so i slept for most of the lessons.
ica was asleep as well during the chinese lesson.
everyone was tired. ((:
mdm see showed some pictures of AAD during chinese class, but sadly, i fell asleep. ))':

still not feeling well so i didnt go to school. --"
was wondering if i should go for the NYAA.
in the end, didnt go. --"

happy april fool to everyone. ((:
and once again, i late for school. TT_TT
almost kena fool by some people. --"
went out and eat with afina and guannie.
grats for someone i guess? ((:

had gg meeting and it was kinda fun. ((:
play here and there.
i think this is the only gg meeting that is so totally fun that i forgotten the time. ((:
reached home, saw my cousin's friend at my house. --"
what more surprising was that my cousin's friend ate 4 eggs at one time.
i was like what the fuck? eat so many egg? --"
by the time i wanted to sleep, its no more friend but friends.

woke up and had tuition. after tuition, my cousin bring more friends home. --"
then all of sudden, all disappear. o_O
went out with my sis and indah to parkway.
met up with danah and go see some show at parkway while waiting for sy.
after sy came, went to snow ice shop and talked, crapped, laughed, ate and discussed there.
we were planning about sv gathering this june. ((:
at around 8pm, we change location to study. --"
went to han's and studied as well as having dinner there.
went to the ECP with my sis and indah.
headed home after that.

went to parkway again to find ica's present. ((:
met eddi, akka, mel and harry at mini toons.
bought something and then went around parkway.
headed home soon after that.

not late for school thanks to afina since she has been waking me up every morning and i failed to take the same bus with her everytime. --"
after school, decided to go to ica's house.
bad stuffs happened and yeah, shall not remember that anymore.
met ica's parents and then we went downstrairs to eat our 'lunch and dinner'.
went home and had tuition.

a bad day for the dnt students i guess?
we see the same teacher for 4h. --"
damn super super sian.
em, dnt and cme. --"
attended infocomm meeting and then rushed for the english course.
after the course, decided to go parkway to buy stationaries since most of my one spoil for some certain reasons and ica knows why.
instead of going parkway, i went to go help the 'indonesian team' to do their rehearsal.
help help help till 6pm.
i was like 'sian arr. wanted to go home earlier and chiong hwk.' --"
but i was glad that i can help them.

kinda sian during lessons except for chinese.
chem lesson was like boring.
ms ong scolded us for not coming into the class on time.
the other em students who are under mr twang, were like 'standing outside is nicer that sitting inside'. ((:
since it was raining, went to help the rehearsal again.
its getting better! :DD
talked to other indonesian students as well.
since tomorrow is a holiday, i gonna spent it all on sleeping.

bye readers! ((:

- big girls do cry. who says they don't cry. its just that you don't know when will they cry.