Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:18 PM

a family.

went MIA for kinda long. --"
decided to write people letters.
wrote to danah, guannie and ica.
influenced by holly to write letter. --"
danah complaint that i didnt write her a letter and then i wrote her one.
after that guannie wants one too so i wrote for him.
not gonna write letter to those who asked le.
am busy yeah? sec 3 life is kinda crazy.
dont believe me? ask alicia, ern, katherine, isabella, ica, sally and etc.

yesterday went out with ern, jonny and fina followed by danah.
companied fina to eat at ayam penyet then went to look for ern and jonny.
around 7pm, fina went to her practice while others wait for danah.
she arrived like one hour later. --"
eat shabu shabu and its jonny's treat. ((:

eat like there is no tomorrow. laugh like mad. crap like hell.
after that, ern, jonny and danah went to eat snow ice.
i went home instead of accompanying them. sorry guys.

today, went to school at 7.20am for annual awards practice.
realised that it starts at 9am. ru wei and i regretted that we woke up early.
practiced the marching with the first batch and its kinda good. ((:

the second batch and not so good one join in and it makes fina kinda angry. --"
not totally angry, moodless i guess? --"
practiced till 10am and then dismissed.
fina asked me stay back and teach the not so good yet until she calls me.
(she needa go CHIJ for gg stuffs with other gg)

after all done, went to accompany cherry to wait till 12pm.
as she needa go for the cca leadership.
i didnt go cos i didnt get the letter.
to make it more weird, ade got the letter when he actually skip the cca leadership camp with me and vincent cos we got another camp. --"
heard some hurtful stuffs from atwell but i ignore it.

went to mcd and go find danah, ronald, faris and li wei.
after that, afina and guannie came. fifi also came. (thats what fina calls him)
crapped, laughed, ate and joked.
went home at around 2.45pm.

decided that i shall post picture when i post something.
influenced by indah. --"

Monday, February 23, 2009 11:24 PM

this is what i feel right now.
many stuffs happened.
arguement, crapping, laughing, quarrelling and etc.
not happy when i bought new calculator as there is still the feeling of 'guitly-ness'.

well, i not sure whom to trust now a days.
friends yet not like friends.

february is just bad luck month for me.

Saturday, February 21, 2009 11:36 PM

FUCK. i just dropped my phone.
no mood write le.
was planning to write what happened a few days ago.
now no mood le.

Thursday, February 19, 2009 10:50 PM

sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.
sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed. sad. emo. depressed.

ignore the top. thats how i felt today. TT_TT
guess i have bad luck for this month.
i wanna thanks to ica for cheering me up! love ya!
bbyee. ))':

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 11:19 PM

feeling depressed and emo.
realised that february is not my month.
lost lots of stuffs and feel damn emo-ish.

resons for today.
1st, still cant find my calculator even though i search for it like crazy.
2nd, ern dropped my phone again.
3rd, alicia draw draw on my paper. (well, i like my paper to be clean)
4th, ern bang my phone on the table.
5th, felt very sleepy during class.
6th, too depressed till no mood to eat.
7th, too much homework then i need to sleep like 2am everytime.
8th, reached school just in time.
9th, brandon and eugene eat up all my sweets.
10th, ms sng scold the history students.

other reasons.
1st, woke up late for this month.
2nd, do homework like crazy then sleep very late.
3rd, not enough sleep, sleepy during lessons.

hais. no mood le. bbye.

Monday, February 16, 2009 11:03 PM

stuffs happened.
shall talk about it next time when i remember.
a few things that i wanna say.
and it is about some complain.
so those people who are in a bad mood now, please ignore.



no mood do hwk le but needa do especially for history and ss.
do this two homework and i go sleep le.
i dont care about others.

thought :
fuck shit. my calculator, where you sia?!

Sunday, February 15, 2009 10:14 PM

cutting short.

Saturday, 140209.


went out with danah, guannie, jackson and kai yiu again.
went to parkway for an hour and then go back.
got my reasons why i don't want to go to afina's birthday party.
will explain to those people who kept asking me why i didn't go.

Sunday, 150209.
went out with akkaravin, alicia, ern, eugene, isabella, katherine and ronald.
watch valkyrie. kind of nice. just kinda nervous at some parts.
after movie, went to parkway alone and then went home.
chionging homework while blogging.

ern, alicia, katherine, akkaravin, ronald.
eugene, me and isabella.

eugene and ern owe isabella and me lots of stuffs!
better be grateful you two! :DD
and i wanna my money back. --"

random stuffs.
4 of 3ea and 4 of 3eb students.
4 boys men and 4 girls women.
6 history srudents and 2 geography students.

btw, go to indah's blog!
go read the 140209's post. i really agree with it! :DD
farewell people! :DD

thought :
you can't predict the future.

Friday, February 13, 2009 11:10 PM

tuesday, 100209
went to nanyang poly to go do dnt.
listened, do and walked around the school.
had a group photo but it is in umay's phone. --"
crapped with mr tan in the van on the way home.
the whole dnt told him that the homework are not done which are due tomorrow.
he gave us that scary smile. --"

wednesday, 110209
nothing particular i guess? cant remember what the hell i was doing. --"
one thing that i can remember is that being scolded by mr tan during dnt class.
eugene, brandon and zhuang lei kena punished by mr tan.
watched a so called 'bully' video. kinda mixed up.
happy and not happy feeling.

thursday, 120209
had to do a few jumping jacks for dnt.
number of JJ that we had to do for dnt :
ade - 30
brandon - 10 (but he do 2 only) --"
eugene - 10
hai yan- 30 or 40 or 50
me - 20
shaz - 30 or 40
umay - 0
xiao ying - 10 or 20
zhuang lei - 10 or 20
i cant remember all bahh.
kinda bad mood during chinese.

friday, 130209
unlucky day. --"
slept at 4am and woke up at 6.50am like that.
reached school like almost dead like that.

had pe for the first lesson. dammit, i can die sia.
pe was totally fun except the 5 rounds of running.
doing softball with a small group and i really did stupid stuffs.
after that, class is divided by 2 groups.
we kinda play the real game. FUN.
my group won! :DD yay yay yay!

ade is the only one who do home run. lols.
we were like "ADE RUN! RUN! RUN! RUN SOMEMORE! RUN!!" --"
got a part where da hae hit the bat and then the bat fly off to shaz's lower body.
(you know what am talking about)
everyone was like laughing non-stop.

after pe, watched memoirs of geisha again.
ms lim gave us chocolates for v day tomorrow. thanks cher! :DD

recess was not really nice.

chinese class was like hell. history class as well, i got scolded like shit.
something happened during the hist class.
had e maths test which was sucky. --"

went to have cca. no mood sia. damn tired then still got cca.
after the practice for annual awards, went to eat dinner with eric, jackson, kai yiu, ica, danah and ah xiang. ((:
met umar, amar and anton on the way.
really had a bad day today. well, what to do, FRIDAY THE 13TH MAHH!.
jackson, kai yiu and danah send me home half-way. near the block bahh.
thanks lots peopl! :DD

farewell, farewell, farewell!!

Monday, February 9, 2009 11:30 PM

my head is in a mess so i gonna jump here and there for the post.

as usual, go school late. reached school at 7.23am like that.
everytime reached school around that time. --"
[not today] mr twang was like "heni, you live so near why still so late come?"
i replied "for what come so early? early like nothing to do sia. is like must wait till 7.30 like that then the thingy start and then go class and have lesson. might as well just come in time lahh."
and that very reason of mine made me late for once. --"

everyday is always a peaceful day.
go school, study, study, go recess, study, study, lunch, study, study, study, go back home. (only apply for every monday and tuesday).
and it always ended up safe-ly.

NOT! --"

not everyday is peaceful kkayys?! only sometimes.
well, today ern was kinda LONELY cos shaz didnt come to school.
kinda rare to know that shaz didnt come to school.
as always, crapped, laughed, nonsense-ing-ed and etc-ing-ed.

hmm, during chem, alicia and atwell was like sticking to me.
then eugene was like "wth are you people doing there?"
well, i know that he was refering to me

ignore the above. thank you! ((:

had anti- nbullying for assembly and i was like pointing out all the bullying stuffs to my friends.
like hitting a friend then i shouted "BULLY SIA!". --"
watch memoirs of geisha during english class. kinda cool.

eugene was the most excited one i guess?
actually, the lesson for today was kinda okay except for chinese?
kinda angry with some people during chinese.
well, forgive and forget right?
am not those kind of people who forgive and forget.
you make me angry, i no talk to you till kinda long.
the long can be 1 sec, 1 min, 1h, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 1 year.
the most is like 1 week i think. i have bad temper so too bad lahh. XDD

went out with alicia and bought the cover for our phone.
bought handphone thingy and then went to eat late lunch.
after that went to buy drinks from the japanese stall and then headed home.

had tuition and then chiong for homework.
well, i didnt remember much about today, so lets end it here. ((:
bbyye people! :DD


am booked for the valentine's day. so don't ask if am free on that day or not. and YAY to the anti-mr hiu! :DD its getting more and more members! lols.

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Saturday, February 7, 2009 11:43 PM

i so love 6th Feb 2009!

friday was okay.
it started off with the tiring pe lesson.
had a little fun during the pe lessons.
and also a little argument or sad time.
played softball with alicia, atwell, ade, umay, endi and brandon.
i throw damn off the thing so i dont bother to run.
(only the people above above knows what am talking).
and got one time when i throw damn near, i ended up running back the 'home'.
(only umay, ade and brandon knows what the hell am writing about).
after pe lesson, went to change to uni with alicia.
on the way back to class, saw that annoying person.
he greeted me but i just ignored him.

after pe, had english lesson which will almost make people sleepy cos of pe.
had chinese and history test for the day.
the chinese one, i 100% guaranteed that i will fail.
history still got some hope so i think i will just bare-ly pass.

after all the classes, had cca.
argue argue, shout shout and then practice.
kinda not enjoy the gg bahh.

went to parkway at around 7pm with my sis.
and i loved 6 feb! :DD
alicia knows the reason.
and i think she is the only one who knows the reason.

met danah, bianda, afina and others.
actually intend to eat with them but decided not in the end.
shopped with my sis and then went home.
farewell you people! :DD


Friday, February 6, 2009 11:59 PM

OMG! i love today! :DD


Thursday, February 5, 2009 9:21 PM

today was okay bahh.
i totally forgotten what is the fun and bad part.
all that i could think right now is TEST and TEST.
tomorrow gonna have chinese and history test.
gonna study more on history cos chinese i no hope.

man, my hand is definitely pain! damn you john! >:((
angry with you le. --" joking.
wanna skip everything tomorrow.
wow, so fast now thursday le.

each day, i got more new nicknames. --"
ohh, i realised that i somehow 'cursed' the soccer, bball and badminton.
especially when they go for competition. ps about it man!

one thing that am sure is that am not doing any of my damn homework. ((:
ohh, changed blogskin. nice right?! i know its nice. hehehs.
and i totally hate, hate, hate, very hate, super hate, double hate mr hiu. purposely make his colour pinkk. ((:
not really that hate lahh but see him, i not happy.
shall try to avoid see-ing him. for my own good also.
farewell all. [[: bbyye.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009 6:07 PM

hmm, had really bad day for 2 days.
today kinda had a bad day too.
at least today better? by a little bit.
not late for school but had to see that irritating guy.
had english test which was kind of ok and physics test which was kinda bad.
kinda happy cos got 3 hours of no lesson, dnt and cme.
during dnt, we were like using the laptop.
use use use till very sian.
shaz and ade had nothing better to do so go see people's friendster and then see the photos.
when clicked on of umay's photo, they were like 'FISH!'. --"
ignore the top. i dont think anyone will understand even if i wrote it down. --"
to put it short, we all were like eating sweets non-stop, crapping, laughing and internet-ing.
yeahh, all the sweets are all mine that kena owned by them. especially shaz.

during cme, went to decorate the class.
wow, for the first time, ern helped to do the decoration willingly.
umay and shaz also helped! thanks lots guys! :DD
we were like spending our time to think about what to do to the door.
we came out with funny ideas.
the 'ourselves-made' curtain finally done and its a lot nicer! [[:

here come the bad memory. --"
went home 3/4 wet. the ac made it worse. --"
ohh yeahh, remembered that just now, jia wei (sec 5) was like taking the umbrealla near the bball place. the big one with 3 colours. red, blue and white.
then, kena caught by the guard. lols.

shall not write anymore cos my head is in a mess.
my brain not fuctioning well.
hmm, i hate that guy means i hate him. XDD
i wont change that point of view until i see that he is not like that le.
which i think wont happen as by the time, i think i out of the school le.
guannie said slapp and i said vomit.
nice combination! :DD
high-5 to us man!
and i realised that all those who hate mr hiu, has almost the same reason as me.

i wanna change the blogskin to somewhat simple-er. like how arr.
kinda difficult to explain. aiya, farewell bahh! ((:

my hand damn pain! arrggh. i nowadays have bad luck. --"
idk from when, i got new nicknames.
heni-how (anyhow), chicken out and etc.
tomorrow got test. all the best for myself bahh.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009 9:07 PM

no problem till chinese class.
moodless sia during that lesson.
my schoolbag which not even one month yet, somehow broke again at some part. --"
i damn no fate with that kind of back. emo-ed abit just now.
after that, kena hit by a pencil. damn sharp somemore. --"
to make it worse, chinese test was given back to the class.
scored 70 eventhough studied kinda hard.
amos got 72! TT_TT i wanna steal his 2 marks!
after school, went to parkway with alicia.
went here and there and here and there.
damn, if went out with her, 100% sure waste money for something.
yeahh, spend a lot of money on stationaries and sweets.
bbyye all! gonna study and do hwk now. see ya! :DD

Monday, February 2, 2009 11:57 PM

i damn hate today.
firstly, woke up late.
sencondly, the bus left me.
thirdly, no bus wanna come for me.
fourthly, also no taxi wanna come for me.
fifthly, had to take 2 bus before reaching the school.
sixthly, had to see that damn mr hiu.
seventhly, had chem test which i was so damn clueless about.
eight-thly (wtf, idk how to spell), fall asleep during class.

arrgghh, i totally hate MR HIU!

i damn random. not telling why i hate him.
those who know who he is, shhh!

Sunday, February 1, 2009 12:36 PM

gonna really make the post short.
hmm, yesterday went out with daddy, guannie, danah and ronald.
went to siglap mac to meet them.
then went to parkway.
crapping, laughing, photo-ing, queue-ing and many more.
went to singtel hello there, visit jail bunny then popular.
bought lots of stuffs. dnt, damn you! make me spend so much money!
after that went home.
i guess is like that. not sure.

next week onwards, gonna got test. arggh.
so far, i only remember chinese, english and history.
the others i heck care.
when i know then i study.
ohh ohh, next tues, gonna go nanyang poly for dnt.
i think i will stay at dnt bahh. art no hope le.
farewell! bbyye.