Wednesday, January 28, 2009 11:30 PM

hais. am sad now. my birthday gonna end in 30 min more. --"
today just happened so fast.
dammit! i want it to go slower! ))':
hmm, nothing much i guess?
at english class, they sang me birthday song. [[:
went to dnt class instead of art.
kena scolding on my birthday. damn not nice.
after school, had my birhtday celebrated with guannie, danah, jonny, christine, ruth, mummy and daddy. (thanks for the oreo cheesecake cake! :DD)
did i miss anyone out?
if i do, do tell me. ((:
thanks lots people! :DD
around 3pm, went to play badminton with jackson.
ermm, played with that mr tallie from dunno which class and jordy.
play play play till 4.30pm like that.
for dinner, wanted to go with my ex-classmates but they had to rush if they eat dinner with me so i cancel it.
instead, guannie, danah and my sis went to eat dinner with me.
saw eric while on the way to steamboat so asked him to join us.
crapp + eat + drink + laugh = seriously stomach pain + full.
i guess so? not sure if the equation correct. hahas.
after that went to meet jail bunny and then headed home.
at 10pm, ate my cake and i now realised that i only left with 19 minutes for my birthday.
arrgghh. that sounded pathatic. ehh, is it spelled like that?
gonna change blog skin soon. cos my birthday and CNY. ((:
ohh, thanks for those people who wishes me and thanks lots for those people who gave me presents! i really thank you from the bottom of my hearts! X33
farewell all. do look at the cake for 1 hour and you will want to eat it.

16th birthday sure is fast.

what i feel right now :
i want to be 15 years old again! TT_TT 16 sounded so old even though can go watch NC16 but NC16 is so damn useless lahh. and is 16 more min to the ending of my birthday! i gonna cry man! i had to wait for another 356 365 and 1/4 more days to my birthday. can you imagine it?! --" arrgghh. nvm lahh. i shall think that everyday is my birthday. yeahh! :DD but am still sadd. seriously sadd. --" ohh ohh, i want to say thanks to danah cos she damn just nice 12am sms me 'happy birthday'. hahas. let see, i left with 14 min. it sounded like am going to die. --" hmm, i shall do all my homework and study for tomorrow test after 12am. yeahh! :DD so i guess am still feeling sad now. but who cares?! yeahh, i cares. --" okkies enough of my randomness and just enjoy the last 13 min. ((: i feel much better now! bbyee! now is 10 min. --"

Tuesday, January 27, 2009 12:26 AM

what shall i post today?
hmm, an achievement for me as i manage to wake up by 10.30am or 11.30am today.
eventhough i slept at around 3am or 4am.
usually, i would will wake up at around 1pm or worse, 5pm. --"
well, i need at least 12 hours to 15 hours to fully charged.

hmm, now chatting with alicia, ade and sukanya.
wtf am i typing about? am being random. --"
hmm. alicia said that she will emo if i never come school so i shall do that one day. ((:
hehehs. i know am being evil. XDD

okkayys, straight to the point, gonna write about today.
my boring life. yeahh. --"
left house at around 12pm like that.
go relative's house then go to 2 ex-guardian's place.
idk time so fast go one. suddenly, its already 4.30pm like that.

decided to went home.
reached home le, go sit infront of the laptop till now.
i mean i got go out of the seat lahh.

ohh, i wanna add something.
i smsed all girls for the day! yay! :DD
never done that before i guess?
let see, ica, katherine, alicia, danah and who else? idk.

hmm, i left with my chinese and a maths homework.
shall do them tomorrow.
gonna chiong all the way and i just realised that its only 2 days away from my birthday. --"
no motivation for the coming birthday.
cos i predict something bad gonna happen on that day. --"
lets pray its not gonna happen okkies?
farewell all! :DD

editted! :DD

my conver between danah and sy.

heni: both of u i dun like
danah: y?
sy: hanad?
danah: what the?
danah: HANAD?
danah: u no life freak! named my name backwards!
sy: opps
sy: aandh
sy: a and h
sy: h and a = ha
heni: i was like laughing like hell when danah said about the name being reversed

Sunday, January 25, 2009 1:53 AM

okkies, this post is for 230109, 240109 and 250109. ((:
enjoy them, don't forget to take some snacks with you! :DD

230109 :
came really early to school. i think it was the earliest among the earliest for january. --"
went to the hall with danah cos we thought that 7.30am is the performance.
we kena cheated and when down to do the assembly. --"

at 7.30am, went to clean the classroom.
man! i was asked to do this and that. --"
why can't you asked that bitch to do instead of me?!
went to clean the classroom.
guess i kinda did a lot of stuffs. (reward me, heyy!)
was told to bring back all our books from school including the files.
so people like brandon, eugene, atwell, cherry and me die. --"
we all always put our stuffs under the table.
luckily, i bought some of the book home yesterday (220109).

at 8.30am, rushed to find camera and video cam with ern.
run here and there and finally, able to do our duty.
exchanged with ern's duty for awhile and then changed back to camera.
enjoyed the show for only 30min or less.
ern kept hitting me non-stop. ))':
thanks mr chia for giving us (infocomm members) chocolate.

after the performance, most of the students went back.
holly, meylisa -1, jen -2 (idk how to spell both of their names. sorry about it!) and me celebrated jerome's birthday.
waited for danah while guannie and mummy went to mac. --"
the teachers were like eating there while holly and me were like dying from hunger.
sat with ms heng, robert and frankie together with holly.
talked a lot with them. know more stuffs about infocomm stuffs.
thanks robert for giving us some food! :DD

finally, danah came! [[:
some teachers asked us to eat the food too.
danah, holly and i act like were very shy.
ms heng was like "say shy shy while taking a lots of food".
i was like laughing like hell. i think only i heard it.
ate ate ate then suddenly the bballs players came and join us for the food.
we were like asking them to sit with us and they agreed easily.
thats was a wow! somemore is eugene agree first. i think so?

when we were about to get ready to leave the school, we hopped into mrs ho's car.
if not wrong, forcefully? hahas.
she stop us near the traffic light only.
went to parkway with danah, guannie, jonny and holly.
but before that, went to my house to put the stuffs down.
after that headed to parkway.
looked around like mad.
we were like toilet then looked around, toilet and looked around.
took a passport size photo but it turned out like shit. TT_TT

visited jail bunny, headed to eat cheesecake and ate snow ice.
at the snow ice there, we were like the cat thingy.
the one that the hand can move forwards and backwards.
once we started eating, a lot of people come in and ate it too.
on the way to the bus stop, we went to take photos with the ox.
now, time for photos! :DD

jerome's birthday cake! :DD

snow ice there. ((:

green tea with mango.

WOW! its damn lots!

guannie, jonny and danah! :DD

group photo? i wonder if our photo is at the screen already.
(only guannie, jonny, holly and danah know what am talking about)

holly and me with the oxxie! (is not a pig!) --"

guannie and i. guannie looked forced?

yeapp, i closed my eyes again.

now is danah turn's!

oxxie, we love you!

we found that plastic bag near the oxxie! people litter sia!

240109 :

really gonna make it short, needa sleep le.
now is 2.35am le. dammit, am kinda sleepy. --"

went out with danah and guannie.
go around the parkway to find birthday cake for me.
met with juvena from primary school.
danah and i had the feeling that we will meet with a chai chee-an and we were right!
we met nigel and syafiq from last year 4ea.

took bus 12 to downtown east there.
meet up with holly, jonny and ernnie.
went to the chalet together with them.
at first moody, then finally happy happy.

went to arcade in the middle.
played jubeat and it was totally awesome!
kena cheat money at there too.
went back to the chalet there and ate birthday cake. (no one's birthday)
around 10pm, took group photo before going back.
send holly first then danah, guannie and i walked to the pasir ris mrt.
we fake dj like hell. --"

took mrt to bedok and then took bus 16.
guannie and danah send me home, thanks lots! :DD

now photos time! [[:

holly, danah, jun wei, me, guannie and jonny. ern is missing?

the food that we bbq.

was bbq-ing like hell. it seems that ern never put butter on his bbq food before?
mabye am wrong? not sure. it just looked like.

holly and me! :DD

me and ernnie.

jonny and danah. thats where all of us sit.

holly and danah. holly's face kena cut into half. ))':

our foods! am getting really hungry now!
ern's chicken, our satay, guannie&ernnie&my hotdog and dunno whose potato.

guannie, holly, me and farhan. ignore those two crazy people behind.
yeshh, i closed my eyes again.

we were having fun while cooking! :DD

group photo! :DD

guannie and me. [[:

guannie's rainbow marshmellow. (idk how to spell.)

holly and guannie. ((:

holly, me and danah. i closed my eyes again?! --"

me, danah and guannie.

holly, danah and guannie.

jun wei, farhan and ernnie.

sec 3 and sec 4. ((:

group photo. [[:

the ferris wheels. ((:
(it looked like jointed right?!)

we 4 were playing jubeat. hahas.
danah, me, holly and guannie. (guanan cannot be seen) --"

yeah, like what it said. hahas. holly edited it. ((:

this is how it looks like! :DD

holly and me. double 'h' heart! holly and heni. hahas! :DD
(just realised that)

the food that has to be eaten!

wheee! playing fire cracker! :DD

holly's one damn cool! [[:

these people, only know how to waste and play with food. --"

danah, guannie and ernnie was like using candle to burn marshmellow and fishball.

see the small fire?!

that the poorthing fishball and marshmellow. --"

group photo before we all went home. [[:

we took at least 3 to 4 pictures before getting the good one.
holly only took the good one i guess?

it was fun for the two days! :DD

250109 :
no tuition for the day.
all kena cancelled. --"
went to paya lebar with danah and guannie.
around 5.45pm, headed home for dinner with relatives.
kinda full cos ate mac with guannie and danah.
played with rabbit at relatives' house.

went to go pray and go burn the paper notes.
only tommy, chris and indah go with me.
we burn while joking like that.
after that, watched a funny tv show and i just realised that i didnt go countdown. --"
i mean watch tv while countdown. dammit! --"
from 11pm like that, blogg like hell till now (3am). --"

thats all bahh. too tired to think anything.
if i missed out anything, will edit it if i remember. --"
nights all. damn tired. bbye all readers!

FYI: i always closed my eyes most of the pics cos i cant take flash.
flash = closed eyes. only sometimes then no close eyes.

i forgotten what i wanna add in so i gonna re-read my blogg later when i wake up.
nights all! :DD

Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:29 PM

here it comes! the last sv gathering of 2008!
'the sv bbq 2008 gathering' is what i called it.
actually, it just popped out inside my head.
so i go use it. hahas, i know am lame. --"

lets cut the bull shitting of the crappy talking now and go see the photos!
btw, i fastforward the date to 240109 even though i typed this on 260109 at 1.05am.
just for you people, readers, i post this till late midnight!

see, how kind i am. --"
(blahh, am bull-shitting now. being random)

lets count one, two and three and there the photos!




and here are the pictures!
enjoy them! go get some snacks while scrolling down!

kelvin and eugene trying hard to make the fire for the bbq!

wow, eugene looked so 'pro'. --"

there were eugene, kelvin and dylan.

woots, at last the fire came!

can you see it?! there were 3 fires! :DD

these people were slacking! no food for you people! (joking) [[:

what the fuck was zi gui doing?! o.O

okkay, from left to right : sheng yong, jonny, danah and me.
WTF am i doing?! --"

sheng yong, danah and aniela! :DD

geraldine, aniela and simin. ((:

simin help to break the ices.

these few people were really slacking. gary caught twice!
(no food for gary man!) --"

found some photos of danah so gonna paste it here.

i seriously say that danah totally look nice here! :DD

smile! it makes your day brighter!

geraldine and natasha got candid while taking photo.

this guy is gary! he totally slack! so i demand that he should not eat the food!
(joking! :DD)

sheng yong and aniela! :DD

sheng yong helping natasha to do the roller blading thingy! the thingy was sheng yong's one.

"at last, we are cooking something!" thats what i thought right now. lols.

thumbs up for kelvin, jerric and eugene! :DD

some of the food? (i feel hungry now. i want some food!) TT_TT

photo of slackers. zi gui, dylan, kelvin, danah and me? ehh, did i type me?! --"

woots, gary helping natasha sehh. *whistle*

sheng yong was like: "OMGG! my roller blade thingy! NOOOO!" hahas.
if not wrong i guess? cos the grass was totally wet. i mean some part.

the sky was getting dark! slackers? --" they were playing card except kelvin and ian.

mr tan telling jokes to jonny, danah and zi gui.

OMF! i want them right now! --"

change player now. ((:

"my name is vivian, but you can call me vian. nice to meet you!" lols.
i wrote that. hahas. this is vian! :DD

"yoyo, am called sheng yong and you can call me by sy."
--" another that i make up one.

well, all fun must come to an end right? it is always like that.
so yeahh, group photo one and..

group photo two! :DD

all of us enjoyed being there, i guess?
thats the end of sv gathering 2008 bbq.
now, lets us welcome alicia's and my photos.

*drum rolls*

*drum rolls*

*drum rolls*

*drum rolls*

yesh, i closed my eyes. --"

bahh, we took it inside the toilet after school. hahas. thats me from the back view.

why i have so many yellow buttons? it was just a sticker for the japanese students day.

alicia and me! :DD

well, i know i look like crapp. i just don't care?

not much of alicia's photo cos she dun wanna gimme her photo.
what kind of selfish friend she is?! --"
joking only arr.
well, if you think am fat, i take that as a compliment.
if you think that am thin, i will also take that as a compliment.
you know why?

fat : means that am not a person who is anorexic.
thin : means that am not a person who eat damn lots at one time.

hahas. its kinda lame. lols.
i dont care lahh.
i gonna end it here.
but, am still gonna post another post about 230109 and 240109 photos and what i did.
for today, 250109, no photos but gonna write down what i did.
farewell for now. ((: