Friday, October 31, 2008 9:55 PM

woke up kinda late today. supposed to wake up by 7.45am.
but ended up waking up at 8.15am. --"
then got something happen? took taxi to go to siglap sec school.
when i heard the word 'siglap', i thought is at siglap area there.
i guess is common sense right? then mdm lim told me is at pasir ris.
wtf? why so far one? siglap to pasir ris. --"
reached there, then learn some vietnam things.
then draw draw and played game. what kind of activities is that?!
hmm, anyway, went home by cap again.
this time, mdm lim pay. ((:
took taxi with shu yu, nicolle and mdm lim.
reached school saw alicia and chacha.
then argued with danah a bit? not real argue lahh.
went to pp with my sis, daddy, chacha and meylisa. [[:
ate at macd. XDD
after that, headed to ntuc to buy stuffs.
head home after that. slack as usual.
TT_TT my daddy going back to indo tomorrow.
hmm. got a lot of stuff to do at singapore so cannot go back yet.
cant wait to eat cheesecake. arrgghh!! X33
tata all! :DD take care as usual? hahahas.

Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:34 PM

went to school to do the nyaa form and take report book.
but ms sng not available so my daddy went home first.
then later, met with mdm lim.
talked about combine cca trip, nyaa and telling me that tomorrow i needa go school for gg.
go find ms sng and she told me that i funny?
cos she said that if my daddy came to meet her just now, i can just call her out of the classroom to go talk to my daddy first.
so yeahh, dun care.
went to infocomm labb. talked with holly, anil, robert and frankkie.
then went to look for ica darling.
waited for her at school canteen with akkaravin and vincent.
chatted with them and ms rahayu till chacha come.
went home with vincent. met with justus on the bus?
slack when reach home.
now, really want to eat cheesecake.
whenever i think of cheesecake, this thingy pop out.


arrrgghh! am so in love with cheesecake! X33

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arrgghh! ♥♥♥♥
--" okok. am really getting into cheesecake.
ohh well, lets stop the cheesecake crazy-ness.

--" ohh man. really sia.


lols. okkies. thats all bahh. tata all! i love cheesecake! :DD
who also love cheesecake say: ' i love cheesecake too! :DD '
ehehehehs. tata all.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:25 PM

hmm. just realised that lately i nvr post anyting. well, got a lot of stuff to do.
so no choice? tomorrow gonna take report book. --"
morning, cherry asked me if i wanna go for a camp.
then i was like WTF? camp again? why this year so many camp??
well, if its like normal camp i dun mind going.
suddenly, i read 'consist if activities like outdoor camping, JUNGLE TREKKING, waterfall, CAVE EXPLORATION and many bonding activities....'
i was like WTH?! what kind of camp is this.
is there a possible that it would be at JUNGLE?
but i thought that singapore no JUNGLE? --"
then i went idk le.
afternoon went out with papa. ((:
i guess it will always be no fate for me?
everytime my parents come to singapore, i always not at home.
like for example, go camp and etc.
mummy liwei said that she saw me at pp but i didnt see her.
after went i wen home, keep on slacking.
chatted with felita, vincent and troy.
now i know the different between slimm and thin. wow?
then, i continued doing the LKM's blogg.
do till like siao. keep doing non stopp.
now craving for cheesecake. someone buy for me!! TT_TT
hais. wish me luck tomorrow?
tata all! :DD

Monday, October 27, 2008 12:48 PM

now gonna write about my CP camp days. ((:

woke up early cos need to meet at eunos mrt by 7am. is that how u spell it? o.O
didnt want to go at first as i thought i would be damn boring.
who would want to go to a crime prevention camp?
it sounded boring isnt it? --"
got lost somewhere at the mrt. thanks to vincent and ade yeahh? ((:
went to singapore vision farm with bedok south and another school at first.
we took the very first bus to go there i guess?
ate our breakfast and got introduce to the coaches then the people.
had talks on crime prevention, cep and etc.
kinda tired so fell asleep abit. SHHH! dun tell anyone. --"
after that, had lunch and then went for the games.
at first, i think we only talked to our school people.
first game was using ur thumb to hold the pole. 8 people per group.
since our group was like 16 people so just nice 8 people each.
ohh ohh, LKM group consist of bedok south and chai chee. ((:
the second game was jumping on the rope thingy. still the same, 8 by 8.
the last game was what that again?! i forgotten the game name.
we just had to crawl and roll on the muddy land. --"
pity zul as he was the last person to do the thingy and had to be poured by the dirty water twice?
hmm, we ate dinner first is it? then went to shower.
the toilet damn shiok! when i get the pic next time, gonna upload it.
after that, had the deal or no deal game. kinda unhappy about it but who cares.
lights off at bout 11pm. ((:

woke up at 5.45am like that. cos by 6 or 6.30 need to be ready.
went to HTA by walking. passed our LKM garden. wow. lols.
it was raining so, its kinda troublesome. --"
had breakfast there and went to see the inside there.
saw a lot of people falling asleep. hahas. including me.
went to the terrorist section first. then about bombs i guess?
then last one is what arr? forgotten. stm as usual.
do quiz at the room which was kinda fun. ((:
this time, we already close to each other? :DD
do a survey and head back to SVF.
had lunch and went for game.
the game was kinda funn. really like it a lot.
credits to zi jian, zul, ade and amirul to do the things most!
love u guys! ((:
ohh, best award goes to zul! :DD
we practice the play for night campfire.
kinda fun. eventhough we just did it on that day itself, a few hours before the campfire, its good already. ((:
we act once before the real thing.
after dinner, we change to our campfire clothes and head to the campfire.
we listen to the VIP talk for a while and then wait for the campfire to be lit.
after that, we sat where we suppose to be seated.
chai chee is forgotten. TT_TT
one by one, each school present something about the topic they need to do.
i really want to have the video when we did the thing. hahas.
the night ended fast. ))':
after debriefing, we had lights out. of cos, we had the choice to bathe first or the next day,
thanks sir jefril and wen bin to give us snacks! :DD
btw, enjoyed listening to coach derell's life story.
he got caught so many time by sir jefril?

last day of the camp. TT_TT
woke up at 5am like that eventhough the time we need to meet is at 7.30am.
the only reason was that the LKM group woke up early to chit chat.
but only the girls woke up early. --"
we exchanged our phone num and emails the day before today?
we packed our things and then woke the boys up.
at around 7am, we all still playing at the corridor while other people was like rushing to do things.
we had breakfast then head to the place where we got campfire.
we took photo and wrote an appreaciation letter.
someone from LKM dedicate the song to the LKM group and the coaches as well as the police officers i guess.
we dance again but other ambassadors, coaches and police officers also dance with us.
is really fun! :DD
we won the humourest group award! ((:
at about 12pm, its time to say goodbye. a lot of people sad but if we went for the next year camp, we might be able to meet each other again.
so most of us decided to go for next year camp again. [[:
took picture of ade and prosper sleeping together.
reached eunous mrt and LKM decided to go have lunch together but ade, zul and me didnt go.
ade and me needa prepare for leadership camp while zul too tired.
at around 7pm, decided not to go for the leadership camp. too tired. thats goes to ade as well.
it was my 5th camp and i really enjoyed this camp.
regretted that i never enjoy everyday. i guess most of us did the same.

thanks to:
amirul - thanks to make us laugh everyday with ur jokes.
amirah, eunice, fisadora, jue yi and min er - thanks for everything within the 3 days camp.
ade and zul - thanks for tolerating the game eventhough u guys were already very tired.
zi jian and wei de - eventhough u two kind of pervertic, enjoyed the time with u 2 people! :DD
ash, morgan, nas, prosper, vincent - thanks for everything within this 3 days camp! ((:

love you guys! :DD LKM rocks!

That Thing You Do - The Wonders

this song is dedicated to LKM! ((:
love you guys! :DD
take care always! [[:

go to min er or mineral water blogg to read the other version of the camp! ((:

Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:36 PM

posting the picture of the camp's last day. didnt get a chance to get the close up picture of the coaches and police officers but i guess is ok bahh. ((: had fun time during this 3 days. kinda sad to leave the camp. it is kinda of a slack camp but the shower is damn --" will blogg about what happened for 3 days tomorrow. tired now? suppose to go for leadership camp at school but decided not to go cos its too late since it was almost 8pm when i finish everything and ade did not want to go anymore cos the tired-ness. so well, look forward to tomorrow? lols. ((:

here are the photos! :DD will upload more when i got the photos!

all the CP ambassadors with the coaches and police officers. ((:

group photo! :DD LIM KOK MENG! ((:

say cheese to the camera! ((: LKM is love-able!

only the members of LKM. [[:

do the prayer! ((:

cheeh! ade, zul, nas, ash, amirul and prosper. XDD

vincent, amirul, jefril and ade. C:

amirul and nas. X33

zul and fishdora dora. ((:

zi jian and waiter. CCX
ash got candid while taking photo. --"

waiter or wei de? (^^)

vincent, yo! :DD

eunice peace. [[:

prosper who nvr give prosperity. --"

jue yi and wen bin at the back. both model-ing? o.O

ade sehh. act cool? :PP

fishdora dora. 8))

zi jian the pervetic. {{:

zul from the zoo. ((:

yeahh, me. heni the chicken. --"

min er the mineral water. attack! :DD

morgan! [[:

amirah. where is amirul? :DD

the picture of the day! :DD prosper and ade sleeping. look so gay sia? ade sleep on prosper shoulder. lols! ((: we had fun time yet tiring 3 days so, who cares?

thats all for the day? missing the LKM people but we can meet again next year! :DD btw, for ur info, LKM is a group name that we make. lols. i guess it is because of amirul? LKM consist of bedok south npcc and chai chee students. LKM stands for Lim Kok Meng. ((: ohh, i said that before. ahahahs. thats all bahh. gonna go to beddy soon. nites all. take care yeahh? if i get a hold of the video that we, LKMs do, will upload it. LKM won the humourest group award! thats expected i guess? hahas. everyday we do is laugh. tata! :DD

Thursday, October 23, 2008 1:27 AM

science thingy for the day was kinda fun but at first find it very boring.
kinda lucky to have alicia and vincent in the group. ((:
the water pipe kinda boring but for the cannon it was damn funn. [[:
my umay sayang down with fever. TT_TT
i hope u get well soon! :DD
went out with my cousin to pp then bedok.
at bedok meet with danah.
thanks danah for the things but it is kinda weird.
tomorrow needa go for camp so wont be posting anything? --"
thats all bahh? wont have conclusion for the day as i kinda tired and still busy packing now.
dammit, i should have pack earlier! --"
my baggie damn bigg and heavy. ARRGGH!
take care all! ((:
taggs will be replied asap. see ya! :DD

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 11:08 PM

errm. lets see. what do i do today?
went to ms sng class and got scolded for the messy-ness in the calss?
then head to dnt class. dnt class = slping class.
slept with alicia, kath and isabella.
we had legg and hand cramp. --"
went for recess then chinese class.
mdm see like disappear like that.
so played bingo with sally, isabella and ron.
we watched mr bean's holiday! :DD
its kinda fun to watch it with the class eventhough some watched it before?
bingo-ed with kath, isabella and sally during eng for a while.
went to hall for the YNAA stuff. is it spelled as YNAA? ehh? idc lahh.
after that, had a meeting with the CP people. ms lim is the teacher-in-charge?!
at least i know some people there. if not i really idk what to do. --"
had some science thingy? idk what its called.
went out to have lunch with kath after school.
realised that my wallet with sally and kath had to treat me for the day.
thanks kath! ((: love love ya.

CONCLUSION for the day!
` always clean the class no matter how dirty or clean it is!
` remember to place hand and leg at a good position before slpin or else, cramps. --"
` bingo is totally FUN! :DD
` eugene is ronald's good luck charm? o.O
` CP camp might be not really that fun.
` not much people in the school like science.
` happy that i passed my EOY! X33

tata all! :DD

yesh alicia? what ya wanna talk to me about? :]]

Monday, October 20, 2008 10:36 PM

kinda tired for today.
went for the course kind of early?
first person i saw when reached the school was ern then reagan.
he shoo me away i think? --"
when i entered the labb, saw ruwei and holly.
they were eating sandwich i think.
then i took out my bread too! :DD
we were like LOL-ing in the labb.
while waiting for the arrival of my ica, danah, guannie, afina and ern, on-ed the lappy.
laugh laugh luagh till guannie came.
followed by danah.
wait wait wait but in the end, ica, afina and ern, werent there. TT_TT
ica had fever. ern got bball. afina dunno at where but somehow i think she is at malaysia.

around 9am plus plus, went to take video for the movie.
took like crazy. laugh here and there. its nvr ending. --"
was kinda bad mood after the video taking.
got a lot of probb. then somehow we got into arguement?
not serious lahh. ernnie came to help a BIT damn BIT. ((:
yeahh, at least he came to our rescue?
danah and guannie said its my turtle's fault! ))':
i tried to do some stupid stuff then it actually worked! :DD
in the end, the movie clip was rather nonsensical and lame?
when i got the movie clip gonna post it. CC:
GRATS to holly, ruwei and sally for winning! X33
went out with ruwei, holly, jun wei, guannie and danah.
met mummy at pp bustop. we met mr and mrs tan there! WOW! o.O
actually wanted to eat at BK then danah no mood so guannie, mummy and i fly to katong.
then search for food like crazy. --"
after eat full full, we ate japanese pancake? is kinda nice. ((:
went home after that. had tuition when reached home. TT_TT

CONCLUSION for the day!
+ NAIL DEFENSE is really good! ((:
+ nvr do like sally's group! it will kill you! --"
+ nonsense and lame = humour?
+ japanese pancake is sure nice! :DD
+ nvr rely too much on ur friend? o.O
+ holiday is near yet it is so damn far.
+ camping is sure troublesome.
+ nvr ever try to pick a fight with ern! he is dangerous being!

that all bahh! tata. --"

12:29 AM

went out with my sis and bla bla bla.
insisted to buy cheesecake since its been a long time since i eat it?
tomorrow needa go school by 8am.
sian arr. why so early sehh? --"
arrgghh. dun care lahh.
tata all! :SS

RE; ade! gimme the list for the camp! i nedda it! TT_TT

Saturday, October 18, 2008 7:05 PM

forgotten to blogg about yesterday. --"
felt tired then went to slp.
went to the PA room once i reached school.
then, got the mr loke farewell.
i think, the picture really looked like for a dead person.
am sorry ica, but it seriously looked like one eventhough u changed the background.
if not wrong guannie or someone in the PA room said: 'is it mr loke died?'
if he did, niki will be the 1st to cry?
around 8.40am, went back to class.
idk that ms sng was scolding yet i greet ms sng loudly when i entered the class. --"
the people inside was like: 'shuddup lahh! ms sng is angry!'
if not wrong, she did scold me indirectly. TT_TT
changing my name to 'sombody' like that.
i have early recess i guess? or is it not?
ate with eugene, reagan and ern. danah and guannie sat beside me. ((:
then went to help the graduation day.
what i realised is that the upper sec totally lack of common sense.
then bla bla bla.
until 12 plus plus, the upper sec and other helpers such as infocomm, went to eat the buffet.
went i just wanted to take the fooddie, i remembered that holly wanna take group photo.
instead of taking food, went to take pic. TT_TT
it goes like this. jumpp, jumpp, jumpp, jumpp, normal and normal.
thats how we take picture.
after that, the infocomm attack the food.
then the food that i like left damn little. ))':
guannie helped me took 4 of it.
some sec 4ea guys go lean on the PA room windows.
HEY! the aircorn is not for free ok?! pay some fees! --"
eat eat eat then shahrie entered the PA room.
gave him my last foodie. TT_TT
be grateful yeah?!
went to lab 1 for the course. some people ran away from it.
soon, went to buy cake with holly.
we had trouble at first but in the end it went well. ((:
rushed back to school. then had mr shahrie's last day farewell.
not as good as jeff-fah-fah's but yeahh, its good enough.
as always, ern bullied me. my cha cha, where you go?!
he annoyed and offended everyone in the lab i guess?
after that, went home. thats all for yesterday one?
today is damn boring. --" so nth to post. tata! :DD

% upper sec totally no brain or common sense!
% one by one, everyone leaving infocomm. --"

Friday, October 17, 2008 12:27 AM

lessons were boring as usual and ern is as HYPER as always. --"
mr chia was angry about us (infocomm memebers).
since we came very late for the course which the school spent so much.
my first time fall asleep during the course. i meant i really slept there. --"
danah, guannie and me were damn tired. i slept the most i think?
after the course, went to look for ica. she went missing and left her things at labb.
ernny, sally and me were the search party? lols.
looked one whole round? (almost) then found out that ica went to take her things.
went to macd with ern, guannie, jemimah and jensen.
jemimah sure got mother-ly instict. lols! :DD
went home after that. went home alone again. TT_TT
tomorrow gonna have duty for the graduation ceremony? ((:
and ms sng said that she has a good news and good things to give the class!
woots! wondering what it might be! :]]
ohh ohh, received the class photo! YAY! kinda happy?
now needa do the art and jumpp to the beddy! :DD
tata all! take care! cheers! :DD

CONCLUSION for the day!
; NAIL is 100% a self-defense!
; jemimah LOVES ern lots!
; must take more curry sauces when am with guannie and jemimah.
; class photos are sure love-able!
; make sure bring ur handphone whenever you go.
; want to see ern's smile? call JEMIMAH! :DD
; always prepare marker near the end of the school! you needa it to sign for the photos.
; dun eat sweet in ms sng class! she will turn into medusa!
; not to be late for infocomm course anymore or else mr chia will give another scolding.

ohh ohh, i jemimah had the photos for the other day when we went out together so yeah, gonna upload them. i copied some only. wanan see all? got to jemimah's bloggie. there got a photo of 'hot sex'. --"

all of us except for jonny. --"

ernnie and jemmie. wow. ie family?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008 10:12 PM

errmm, read danah's post about yesterday for the funny version? :DD
so many things happened today?
had english paper back and i just passed. --"
went for the last music lesson. TT_TT
we gonna miss your fun lesson mrs ho! :'((
had some talk after music lesson.
then skipp skipp skipp.
went for the IT course.
now, i kindda like the course man! its fun! :DD
got some trouble at first then bla bla bla and solved! XDD
after the IT course, went to jack and jane john and jane birthday party.
kinda late for the party i guessed?
now tired. tired = lazy post.
tata bahh! --"

CONCLUSION for the day!
- never sit infront or beside ERN the PRAWN ever again! just anywhere near him also not safe!
- nail fight is a SELF-DEFENSE!
- 150 is the bus that ern took!
- JEMIMAH is one of ERN's weaknesses! (JEMIMAH, i love you man!)
- ICA is more man than ERN. (thats what he said --")
- never speak of cow and the farmer or else danah will become crazy.
- HYD is damn FLIRTER! (becareful of him)
- danah bully ern and ern bully me and i bully danah.
- that PRAWN loves to do something about girl's hair tie. AARRGGHH!

so, ERN is dangerous! pls beware of him! if he bullied u, do a nail fight! and said that it is a SELF DEFENSE! too much ERN for the day. --" i hope there is not much ERN tomorrow. tata all! ((:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 3:04 PM

wow, my 201 post! lols?!
and i so so so hate ERNY the PRAWN. --"
he made us (danah, guannie and me) locked inside the media room.
why he did that?!
cos he just wanna know how he looked when he wore the infocomm shirt.
we kena locked for like 5 min? or maybe more.
he laugh and help abit only. --"
had dnt, chinese and maths results.
not happy with the results.
now stuck at the media course. TT_TT
mr chia said: 'now i know where to lock u when ur naughty.'
guannie and i went O.o"
--" thats all bahh. tata? :DD

shahrie smell STINK! dun come near US!!

Friday, October 10, 2008 5:03 PM

bahhh. so long no bloggie. --" ended my exams on this wed but kinda lazy to blogg so now then blogg. ((:

lets recap.

chinese; kind of difficult cos i cant understand a thing. --"
chinese oral; very BAD.
english; kinda ok but cher said half of the class failed.
geography; difficult for me ONLY. AARRGHH!
science; given up on the paper itself so no future for 3EA.
maths; worst paper. never finish.

overall, the paper were badly done? --"
arrgghh. gonna pray hard that i can go to 3EB. luck luck luck.
thats all bahh. tomorrow parents gonna go back le. TT_TT
sad sad sad. tata. --"

Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:20 PM

my parents are here! ((:
so, there is no more blogging till next next week! --"
taggs will be replied when i can reply ok?
tctc! :DD
all the best for the exams! tata! ((: