Tuesday, September 30, 2008 4:39 PM

gonna skipp skipp skipp till oral part! ((:

had a disaster oral. --"
the teachers are bitches!
arrgghh! they accuse anyhow one lei!
AARRGGHH! ____ lahh!
the chinese oral was ok ok but i did it terrible-ly. --"
before the oral, we needa copy a passage that needed to be done before 1pm.
i guess to keep us for being quiet?
after oral, headed to hall.
slack a while then 1pm and all *VSSHHH* (sound effect).

i went to the labb 1 with hollie, jemimah and a random girl.
idk her name. but if not wrong is samantha?
crapp at labb. laugh here and there.
told jokes to hollie, guannie, jemimah, danah and udang. ((:
laugh like siao. --"
danah is being so _______ with udang!
idk how to discribe what she did to udang. --"

headed to where arr? forgotten le. --"
with guannie, hollie, jonathan, udang, fina, danah and jemimah.
eat eat eat eat eat till it cost us $72.05. wow, so exact. --"
i think kinda ok ok. 8 people $72.05. so the mean is $9 each (estimate).
bahh, idk what am i talking. --"
btw, the service at that place is really not good! but the food made it better! :DD

then after finished eating, we headed home. ((:
gonna post the pic as fast as possible when jemimah is ready to gimme the pic! :DD
so thats all about today.
btw, i always mix up stike with underline. --"

i currently addicted to 2 bands. japanese band of coz. ((:
LM.C and T.M Revolution. XDD
i dun really like their fashion but the songs are nice! :33
ohh ohh, i just found out that Hero's birthday is 2 days before my birthday! lols?
Hero as in from DBSK. ((:
listened to their 'balloon' song.
is really nice! kinda childish song but really nice?
LOLS. thats all! tata! ((:
YAY! tomorrow holiday! woots! gonna visit people's house, maybe.
well then, tata!

Monday, September 29, 2008 6:21 PM

gonna cry when i got my chinese result. --" paper 1 was average while paper 2 can faint liao.
i think i was kind of lucky? cos ronald and ica out of point for paper 1. (i think)
so yeahh, called myself lucky eventhough i do all crap for paper 1.
lalala :DD
paper 2 was simply - gaze, stare, draw draw and slp.
most of the students do that. --" including me.
btw, ERN'S hair is really nice now! dammit, jealous of him. --"
and his bagg too! ARGHH!
dun u show it to me or let me see it.
after school, headed to staff room. find mdm lim and mr chia.
asked them to sign some illigal stuffs?
lols. kidding. sign sign sign then headed to labb 1. ((:
slack at there. for a few minutes? hour maybe.
then went to the bustop with guannie. ((:
at bustop, saw DANAH the TRAITOR and jemmie.
they said wanna eat at tamp so yeahh.
saw UDANG! ((:
jemmie and danah were like attacking udang.
pity him sia. --"
when bus 10 arrived, danah changed her mind and bla bla bla bla.
so we didnt went to tamp with jemmie. --"
i asked them to accompany me to mac and they agreed at first.
then that DANAH changed her mind AGAIN!
she kept changing and changing.
suddenly guannie said : 'got a guy that i dunno waving at me. i very scared now.'
so we stare stare at that guy and we finally noticed that it was JONATHAN ANG!
lols. --"
then skipp skipp skipp.
soon headed to ayam penyet. ((:
eat there again.
eat eat eat eat eat eat. makan makan makan makan makan makan.
at first, was thinking to call the sv people where are they and asked them to join us if they want.
but, no ans. TT_TT only some i called. and all no answer. --"
then RAIN!! *BUSHHHBUSHHH* (sound effect yeahh?)
we were like thinking from where can avoid rain.
we were going to pp building. ((:
the plann set le. so we *ZOOOOMM* (sound effect again)
in the end, instead of not getting wet, we were soak in water. --" irony huh?
we walk walk around to dry ourselves. by using aircorn.
met ruth and christine then i met with my primary school friend who is still at primary school there.
soon, we headed home. thats all bahh! tata! ((:
jia you for tomorrow chinese oral! :DD

memories of the day : (kind of copy ernny's one?)
- paper 1 and paper 2.
- ernny's hair and bagg.
- getting soak.
- met jail bunny.

Sunday, September 28, 2008 11:37 PM

bahh. had chinese tuition then nth le. ruth came to my house this morning. thats all? --" tomorrow EOY chinese exam le. arrgghh! all the best bahh! good luck all! ((: tata!

10:36 AM

went to tuition place. then eat eat at there too. yummy food. XDD then went home at about 10.30pm. thats all bahh. tata. --" lazy to post nowadays.

Saturday, September 27, 2008 9:14 AM

pissed pissed pissed. arrggh. lazy to blogg. tata.

Thursday, September 25, 2008 11:57 PM

sleepy mode. --" almost all the class lessons, i fall asleep. during maths test also. --" renovated the class. shift here and shift there. arrggh. table heavy. --" then then, after school. headed to lab 1. remembered that the teacher is there. --" AARRGGHH! WHY MUST SHE BE THERE EVERY THURSDAY?! in the end, went to play bball with john and reagan. play play play till 3.45. YAY! can go labb for aircorn. LOLS? so went to buy drinks and then headed to labb. and ____! the cher still there!! !#$^@ so called mr shahrie to come fetch me outside the room. XDD entered the labb, drinkk then jonny came followed by afina and guannie. talk talk talk. then idk how, got war outside the room. mr chia entered the room. then the ppl inside damn panic. --" asked him a few things then he left. soon after that, something happened. lalala :DD around 4pm, went to macd to eat eat eat. crap crap crap. joke joke joke. then went home. reached home, saw another eugene. --"joked with him too. lols. there are so many EUGENE in this world!! arrggh. thats all. tata. nites! ((:

Wednesday, September 24, 2008 11:27 PM

today damn moody. --" does not even feel like blogging for the day and yest. bahh. got so many hwks. ms sng is true-ly evil. give hwks non-stop. we are not robots kkayys?! 5 more days to EOY exams. i dun think i will do well. arghh. jia you bahh. tata. nites.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 11:38 PM

today damn tired. so tomorrow then i post about today. nites! --" tata.

Monday, September 22, 2008 10:05 PM

SUPER DUPER FUN for the day! :DD

i reached school early! yay! ((: met with fina at the bus, chatted with her a little bit.

ate breakfast for the very first time at P.A room. lols. thanks bianda for giving me your another sandwich! :DD and thanks to guanan for the green tea! X33 took a sip only. hehehes.

had some EOY exams reminders by a random teacher. idk what is her name. --" still thinking wheter i should bring sweet on EOY exams or not. --"

had PE lesson! :DD ermm, pity ern, kena scolded by cher for some stuff. --"
had height taken! grown 1cm taller! LOLS?! ((:
today PE lesson was the funnest of all. play softball or what. idk what the game called. i think is softball. --"
my team at first were umay, siti and tony.
the other team were ade, shaz and ronald.
we are the so called 'red team' while the other team is so called 'yellow team'.
the reason is simple. cos the handle we held is either red or yellow.
so yeahh, like that? then play play play.
got one part, the ball was like flying in the air.
siti, ronald and me was like trying to hit it when it is still in the air flying happily. --" we hit hit hit, the ball still fall to the ground.
then the people laugh like mad.
most of all fell down then laugh like madd.
soon, ica, jane, john came.
john joined 'red team' while ica and jane joined 'yellow team'.
we were like laughing while playing.
shaz kept saying 'o-le!' so we followed him. --" then fun lahh.

after PE, went to toilet to change. siti and i were like staring at the cubicle where we want to enter. we were like fighting for 'i came 1st!' --" so i decided that the two of us changed together. *i knew ur reaction will be like 'EWWW?' i mean, u had that face already. am referring to you! who is reading this rite now!* when my comb dropp, we were like staring at it. then i go pick it up. we joked joked joked and like playing to be so called 'les' or 'horny'. soon, we went out. i headed for recess! ((:

was thinking to buy food but sally offered me with sushi so yeahh, ate sushi. ((:

went for geo class. ms lim was furious! idk why. forgotten. --" she did say: "if u want to fail, fail gracefully". ehhh? is it her or the teacher who talked in the morning arr? i think is the teacher in the morning bahh. i forgot. --" geo class ended pretty fast. as usual, i guess?

had art class. we had to went to the canteen there to draw our LINES. --" draw draw draw. joke joke joke. crap crap crap. then i heard the bell. then went for lunch.

went up to class for lunch. stayed at class with others. then, play play with amos, john, ronald and others. then mr tan came. scary sehh. amos almost scold mr tan cos he mistook mr tan as jordy. --" the voice the same. had some discussion with eddy, cherry, akka and some guy from 2na. i know him but i dunno his name. --" i kind of unlucky. asked ppl help me buy drink then all forget. all the way. then call xiao ying to help me buy. ((:

had maths lesson. bla bla bla. then head for ASLP; science. --"

we had SPA for ASLP. TOOT! was not ready for it. kind of mix up with the things. isabella, no need to say sry! is okk! ((: then lalala. thanks to vincent for helping me! :DD had phy test after the SPA. ARRGGHH! luckily, got do it right the day before today, which is yesterday. ((:

SCHOOL END! YAY! went to ayam penyet to eat ayam. kind of ironic? eat my own cousin like that. --" laugh, crap, cried, chat. btw, i went with reagan, sally, felita and tony. met akka, eugene, eddy and his friend there too. cried cos the chilly too spicy. --" cant take it.

went to PP comic connection there. talked to JAIL BUNNY! :DD chat chat chat, then went home with sally.

thats all for the day bahh. tata! ((: 7 more days to EOY! JIA YOU ALL! nites.

Sunday, September 21, 2008 9:52 PM

fun. fun. fun. ((: in the morning to afternoon, somehow quarrelled with parents. --" evening went for chinese tuition with cousin. we were in luck? kinmd of late for the tuition but the bus arrived in time? WOW! :DD tuition for like 3 hours? then had dinner at there. ((: my chinese teacher cook damn nice food! XDD but mainly were all fish. fish fish. fish. vegetable. vegetable. healthy huh? ((: no fried food. --" played piano at there and play with her daughter. X33 around 9pm, went home. kinda scary. keep remembering ica's ghost story. shit. --" luckily, got my cousin. if not, i dun even dare to go home. we were in luck still! :DD the bus came pretty fast. i guess around 30 - 40 min we reach home. thats all for the day? tata! take care. nites! :DD

tomorrow got physic test. --" dammit. gonna study a bit then slp. ((: tata! nites! :33

Saturday, September 20, 2008 11:53 PM

it gonna be a long post so yeah, prepare a drink and a popcorn. and add an alarm clock beside u in 5 min? who knows that u will fall asleep reading this. LOLS! :DD

had tuition in the morning. then around 2.45pm, went to Marine Parade Library to give cherry back her phone. she left it at school yest so i bring it home with me. ((: then then, reached MPL, saw cai zhuang. i didnt realise it at first till cherry and yao ying told me. then i went LOLS! :DD soon, i went to the bustop with cherry and yao ying. cherry wanna go bugis while yao ying and me wanna go pp. so after one stop, we tata each other. ((: yao ying tata me to cos she gonna go home. so i waited and waited for ica to come to pp. wandered around at pp as i have nth to do. at last, ica came! YAY! :DD went to macd to do our hwks. ahxiang was there. LOLS. chatted with him a little bit. he was very quiet. WOW? i didnt expect it. --" soon, kath come followed by akka. do our work, then chat chat. we keep telling jokes and ghost story. i damn scared now. remembering ica's ghost story. ohh ohh, now, kath and me like to do same thing. we like to ______ _______! lols. ((: soon, kath tata. TT_TT waited a while then ern and sally came. YAY again. ern went to eat the fries and we laugh cos of something. lols. soon, we headed to pp cos ica said that she wanna go jalan jalan. walk one big round then come out from pp. ica said that she wanna go ECP so we all follow her. ((: walk walk walk walk walk walk walk. then, ern hitted me with the BBALL! then it hitted my face when i turned around. --" FUCK?! ica said : "ern, is the ball okay?" LOLS! ern replied : "no its not. now it got the smell of ayam!"all hahahahahaha. then near the toilet, ica went to the toilet while the rest of us went to buy drinks. i gonna smash the vending machine man! the $2 note keep coming out! ARRGGHH! i bought the drinks last. --" then, ern gave up waiting and gave me some coins. then he said : "lets see how long does an ayam put the coins to the vending machine.'' --" then, i drop the coin. he said : ''i guess it will took forever.'' all laugh i guess? lols. he said something like that. when we gonna leave the place, akka asked ern : ''where is the bball?" ern was like looking around and said : "shit! it still in the toilet!" and he rushed to the toilet. GRRR! akka shouldn't tell him. --" all send me home. thats all for the day. tata! ((:

Friday, September 19, 2008 11:50 PM

ermm, nth to write cos it seems that i forgotten what i wanna type for the day. --" tata. tomorrow gonna start revise-ing again. ((: JIA YOU! :DD tata. nites. take care!

Thursday, September 18, 2008 11:30 PM

sian. --" had geo and maths test which i find both difficult. after school, went to the lab 1 to do survey with the whole class but changed the venue cos of some _______ _____. make us go to infocomm lab to do. some of the classmate also like ____. asked them to wait they give attitude. then say want to go home. WTF. then got people damn ______. want to know everything. ARRGGHH! after the survey went to the lab with sally. then saw the _____ again. say must knock the door and etc. even though sally knock very damn loud already. DEAF arr?! after she re-knock, that _____ go give us attitude. WHAT THE FUCK LAHH! then talk talk with her at last she let us go to the lab. EHH, EXCUSE ME LAHH! ITS NOT OUR FAULT IF UR CLASS KENA DISTRACTED LAHH! ITS UR OWN CLASS WHO DUN WANT TO LISTEN TO U. NOT OUR FAULT RITE? THEN U MAKE IT AS IF IS OUR FAULT LAHH! ALSO HORR, OUR CLASS SUPPOSE TO USE THE LAB NOT UR CLASS! THEN SAY MUST WAIT FOR 1HOUR. WHAT U THINK MY CLASS IS? MY CLASS NEED TO STUDY RITE? THE SURVEY ONLY TAKE 5 TO 10 MINUTES ONLY WHILE UR CLASS IS 1HOUR LEI! CAN U COUNT OR NOT? TIME IS DAMN PRECIOUS! no mood write le. --" around 5pm, went home with sally and shahrie. tata. thats all. tomorrow got chem/bio test. jia you man! nites!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 11:25 PM

nth much happened? music lesson was FUN as always! ((: slept during ms lim class. --" she was like staring at me when i was sleeping. i think i sleep in a weird way? --" cme lesson was ok. draw draw draw. draw akkaravin as a dead person while for umay, ade, isabella, cai zhuang and me, normal lahh. --" went to infocomm labb to wait for danah. in the end, she no turn up. --" thats all bahh. gonna chiong geo hwk and study geo. tata. nites! :DD

gonna smack those people who gave me so called 'useless msg'. --"

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:09 PM

NOTE: those people who i had tagg to do this quiz, go to ern's blogg ok? mine cannot copy paste. ((:


The first person to tag/pass you is?

- ernny.

Your relationship with him/her?
- classmate, friend and prawn. ((:

Your five impression of him/her?
- naughty, random, friendly, dun give a damn about anything except basketball, bball lover. XDD

The most memorable thing he had done for you?
- something which cannot be type here. --"

The most memorable thing he had said to you?
- i guess none? or maybe got which is already long time ago. --"

If he become your lover, you will...?
- that will never happen. ((:

If he become your lover, things he has to improve on will be?
- hmm. MATHS! :DD

If he become your enemy, you will...?
- my loss? he is a good friend. ((:

If he become your enemy, the reason will be?
- idk? arguements that make him my enemy?

The most desired thing you want to do for him now is?
- eat him upp! :DD prawn prawn prawn. ((:

Your overall impression of him is?
- gentlement yet not gentlement.

How you think people around you will feel about you?
- you have to ask them?

The characteristics you love about yourself are?
- random-ness? X33 or maybe STM-ness? XDD

On the contrary, the characteristics you hate yourself are?
- un-organise, hot tempered, having STM for which chpt need to study and bla bla bla. lazy to write. --"

The most ideal person you want to be like is?
- no one? i just love the way i am now. ((:

For people that care and like you, say something to them?
- i love you, man! :DD

Pass this quiz to 10 people that you wished to know how they feel about you.
- orhh.

1. ica.
2. alicia.
3. danah.
4. guanan.
5. ern! :DD
6. li wei.
7. faris.
8. vivian.
9. brigitte.
10. jue ying.

Who is No. 6 having relationship with? [li wei.]
- am i allowed to say? errmm, daddy lorr.

Is No. 9 a male or female? [brigitte]
- which one should i choose? female. ((:

If No. 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? [faris & jue ying.]
- i guess no? --"

What is No. 2 studying about? [alicia.]
- ANDREW. DUH. (copy ern's ans)

When was the last time you had a chat with No. 3? [danah.]
- today.

What kind of music band does No. 8 like? [vivian.]
- idk. TT_TT

Will you woo No. 3? [danah]
- never. --"

How about No. 7? [faris.]
- YO DADDY! ((:

Is No. 4 single? [guanan.]
- yeapp.

What is the surname of No. 5? [ern.]
- PRAWN! ((: lols. quek? duck duckkie? or is it? ern? aiya. wait. Quek Ern Xia Ern. so i guess is DUCKKIE! QUEK! :DD

What's the hobby of No. 10? [jue ying.]
- ermm, idk? study maybe? --"

Does No. 5 and 9 get along well? [ern & brigitte.]
- idk, they dun know each other. --"

Where is No. 2 studying at? [alicia.]

Say something casual about No. 1. [ica.]
- baobei? ((:

Have you tried developing feelings for No. 6? [li wei.]
- nahh. --"

Where does No. 9 live at? [brigitte.]
- ermm. bukit timah? ehh? bukit merahh? erhh? idk lahh. forgotten. --"

What colour does No. 4 like? [guanan.]
- ermm, purple? i think so.

Are No. 5 and 1 best friends? [ern & ica.]
- ermm, i don't think so.

Does No. 1 have any pets? [ica.]
- nope. i guess. --"

Is No. 7 the sexiest person in the world? [faris.]

What is No. 6 doing now? [li wei.]
- not sure. --" i think studying?


regretted not to put ern as No. 1. --" if not i spamm with prawn. dots. gonna edit this later. maybe. ((:

Monday, September 15, 2008 11:30 PM

it was ok for the day. nothing much happened i guess. tomorrow is XY's birthday! ((: gonna say happy birthday to her tomorrow. lols. ms sng really crazy. the hwks she gave us were damn lots. zzzz. got 0 mark for one of the geo paper. cos i didnt bring my hwks. then ms lim angry. dots. had CF meeting. gonna have fun on this coming nov. X33 thats all. tata. ((:

Sunday, September 14, 2008 9:41 PM

don't feel like going to school at all. --" supposed to study but never. hais. the whole day stayed at home. thats all bahh. tata.

Saturday, September 13, 2008 11:05 PM

was ok ok, i guessed. got a lot of stuff happened. supposed to go library by 10am in the end, 4pm. i got tuition and stuff to do. ps to danah. woke up at 8am then slp again till 10am. --" tuition tuition. then bla bla bla. went pp to eat cheesecake with danah. danah was moody today. cheer upp mei! :DD what she say true lorr. while eating cheesecakes, talked bout funny memories of sv trip. this shows that we damn heart sv people and trip. jeremie; scream when slping. LOLS. danah; can eat a lot. yilin; damn gentlement. arrggh. now missing yilin. TT_TT btw, now horr cheesecakes are getting smaller and smaller! cheat money and feeling. display there like so bigg and give us so small! CHEAT FEELING YOU KNOW! --" went to popular to buy revision books. intend to buy mooncakes but failed to do so. visited jail bunny. he is still as healthy as ever! ((: no need go jail visit him. lols. on the way back, met cheese family. dun feel like mentioning. now, danah and i not close with the cheese family. feeling akward with them. idk if the spelling correct. had chinese tuition when i reached home. thats all for the day. tata. take care! nites.

missing yet not able to meet. i wonder what is this feeling.
i start to get serious with studies. going to do my best on academics.
mixed upp feeling. ignore me.

Friday, September 12, 2008 11:36 PM

it was ok for the day i think. had maths test for the day which i think i will pass. ((: then went for GG. mdm lim came back!! :DD YAY! it was fast for today one. 2h and then end. wow. o.O given some task from mdm lim. must quickly do the task finish before exams start. waited for danah from npcc. stayed back with isabella. went esso with her. chat chat chat. eat eat eat. then 6pm le. time to go down from the lab 1 to see danah. waited till 6.30pm. went to siglap mac. eat, talked bout SDMA and eat cheeseburger. ((: danah sent me home. i guessed i force her to do so? but was gladd that she agreed to send me home. chatted at my block below there. chatted for 1h like that. recalling the pass. from sv trip. we each talked about what we unhappy with. damn sad. talked about how to study and results. then i came to the point that sv people no more close to each other. except for some? we regret a lot of things. 9.30pm like that, danah went home cos i cannot stay at below to long. then tata. tomorrow gonna start studying. worried about my results. tata. nites. slp tight all! cheers!

12:08 AM

nothing much for the day. ernny keep disturbing the people! --" gonna kill more ern prawn. XDD one more day to saturday! yay! :DD need to start to study already. 3 more week to exams. --" tata.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008 8:36 PM

music lesson was fun! :DD today nth much happen bahh. hand still hurts. actually was planning to skipp school for the day but nvr in the end. see! am such a good student! ((: cursing ronald and john!! they hitted my hand where the injections were! ARRGGHH! damn them! --" went for infocomm meeting. now bianda became the vice chairman for infocomm. wow? what a surprise? fighting for ern at there. keep shouting with jem, danah, holly and guannie? the meeting lasted for 15 min like that. btw, the infocomm shirts are gonna be here by FRIDAY! YAY! :DD must pay $1o. --" cant wait. moodless after the infocomm meeting. went home with fina. thats all bahh. now gonna do isabella's quiz. be grateful isabella! am doing your quiz when my hand is still pain! lols. jkjk. XDD


Name 20 people whom you can think right now. Don't read the questions until you named the 20 people. At the end, choose 5 people to do this.

1. ica
2. danah
3. guanan
4. liwei
5. ern
6. isabella
7. faris
8. amos
9. ronald
10. john
11. jane
12. nadhrah
13. umay
14. nurade
15. siti
16. alicia
17. vivian
18. brigitte
19. sheng yong
20. yilin

How did you meet no. 4? [liwei.]
errmm, is it pp or school. i think is school. ((:

What will you do if you never meet no. 1? [ica.]
its my loss. TT_TT

What if no. 9 & no. 20 dated? [ronald & yilin.]
then its mean that they are gay? XPP

Will no.6 & no. 17 date? [isabella & vivian.]
nahh. 100% nahh.

Describe no. 3! [guanan.]
i hope he wont be reading this. *pray hard*
my kor! ((: same as me? anime anime anime. hehehehs. [[:

Describe no. 7! [faris.]
my daddy! or is it my gor? --" funny person. you will regret it if you studied with him. 100% you will remember NOTHING. he is a joker i guess. XDD

Do you know any of no.12's family? [nadhrah.]
one or two? i saw once only. forgotten. --"

What will you do if no. 18 confess to you that he/she likes you? [brigitte.]
i will say : 'I LOVE YOU TOO, BABE!' :DD lols. in actual case, i will freak out.

What language does no. 15 speaks? [siti.]
malay and english.

How old is no. 16? [alicia.]
16. [[:

When is th last time you spoke to no. 13? [umay.]
today. at CME lesson. CC:

Who is no. 2 favourite band or singer? [danah.]
who is that again? forgotten. --"

Would you ever date no. 4? [liwei.]
N.A.H.H i would get killed by daddy if i ever dated her. and she is my mummy! :33

Would you ever date no. 1? [ica.]
nope. she my baobei/darling. <33 ((:

Is no. 19 single? [sheng yong.]
lols! yes, he is. ((:

Who is no. 5 to you? [ern.]
classmate, friend and my prawn! ((: hehehes.

Would you ever be in a relationship with no. 11? [jane.]
nahh. she is my sista. *when are they gonna stop this kind of question?!* --"

School of no.14? [nurade.]

Where does no.6 live? [isabella.]
near temasek jc. if not wrong. >_<

Have you seen no. 3 naked? [guanan.]
LOLS! nahh.

What's no.8's nickname? [amos.]
famous amos? un-famous amos? anus? --"

Next 5 people to do th survey?
alicia, danah, ern, faris, guanan, liwei. ((:

Tuesday, September 9, 2008 5:27 PM

today was damn --" got injection. dammit. is pain sehh! TT_TT didnt cry, luckily. found my wallet. YAY! gonna curse the person who put my wallet at that place. went to the hospital with mey and felita. akkaravin will go later while alicia cancelled her one cos of something. my injection hunting end today! YAY! ((: then then, what ar? idk lahh. i summerise today one. cannot write. my hand damn pain. --" tata.

now gonna do the quiz from mummy. [[: i got 2 quiz-es to be done. hehehs.

#1 Where would you go if someone sponsors you an air ticket ?
- Japan.

#2 What's your favourite thing to do ?
- sleep.

#3 Do you think money can buy happiness ?
- damn NO.

#4 If you were given a chance to recieve something, what would it be ?
- cleverness.

#5 Things you cant live without :
- all things that i feel i cant live without. ((:

#6 What are you afraid to lose ?
- all.

#7 If you win $1 million dollars, what would you do ?
- shop, shop, shop, shop, shop. SAVE LAHH! :DD

#8 What do you dream of doing in the future ?
- president of the whole world. lols. something to do with media. [[:

#9 List down 3 good points about the person who gave you this survey:
- love-able, friendly, funny. kind.

#10 What makes you happy ?
- money. h-a-p-p-i-n-e-s-s.

#11 What type of person do you hate the most ?
- those things that i hate about a person lorr. XPP

#12 If you have a super power what would it be ?
- READ THE FUTURE! (so i can cheat on exams) hehehehs.

#13 Would you go for happiness or money ?
- money. happiness, DUHH!

#14 Who do you think is the most important people in your life ?
- family, friends.

#15 If you have a boyfriend, would you die for him ?
- hell no. unless i love him till like crazy.

#16 Who's the last person who hugged you ?
- Felita. lols. felita && meylisa.

#17 What is the one thing you want to do badly right now ?
- get rich.

#18 Who are you close to ?
- friends.

#19 Are you courageous enough to the person that you like him/her ?
- hmm, i guess no.

#20 If you could do one thing all over again what would it be ?
- i have nothing that i want to start all over again. cos all the things that i done make me how i am now and am happy with it. ((:

Study 7 things that scare you:
- INJECTION! ghost, no money, think of the future, exams, insects, get bad results.

7 things that you like the most:
- sleeping, listening to music, chat, doing nonsense stuff, go out, manga/anime, media stuff.

7 random facts about me:
- lazy, un-organise, noisy, nonsensical, forgetful, attitude, friendly?

7 things i plan to do before i die:
- eat mac, eat sushi, eat all type of food around the whole world (nice food only), go japan, go america again with sv peeps, save money for my family, go to a good hospial?

7 things i can do:
- eat, breathe, sleep, do hwks, chatting, read manga, watch anime.

7 things i cant do:
- use chopstick, jump off a building, kill, chinese, swim, smoke, suffocate myself/ppls.

7 things you are attracted to in the opposite sex:
- friendly, honest, caring, clever, funny, same thinking as me, understanding.

7 things i always say:
- lahh, lehh, lorr, bahh, mahh, mehh, aaa. leii.

7 people to do this questionnaire:
- alicia, brigitte, ern, holly, indah, kc, vivian.


below is isabella ask me one. --" hand pain still do this. wow me?

name 20 people whom you can think right now. don't read the question until you named the 20 people. at the end, choose 5 people to do this.

1. ica
2. danah
3. guanan
4. liwei
5. ern
6. isabella
7. faris
8. amos
9. ronald
10. john
11. jane
12. nadhrah
13. umay
14. nurade
15. siti
16. alicia
17. vivian
18. brigitte
19. sheng yong
20. yilin

(sry if your name not here. --" the name just pop out of my mind)

-to be continued- cannot tahan le. hand damn pain.

Monday, September 8, 2008 11:36 PM

.... so many things happen today. actually, was thinking to write all my complain here, today. but decided not to post it today. gonna make it short. went out with fina, guanan and danah. the 4 of us suffer the not nice-ness of being 'no money'. --" i think is 4 of us. or is it just me? idk. tomorrow going for injection. dun feel like going at all. should i stay at home the go for the injection or should i go school? idk. hais. thats all. tata. the first day of school, suck. nites.

Sunday, September 7, 2008 9:59 PM

lalala. i quarelled with my sis for some reason. now doing geo hwks. zzzz. --" chatted with eugene for some stuff. danah arr. idk what to say to you. LOLS. ((: tuition for 4h30min. now i gonna chiong hwks. now, must say tata to the september holiday. it was fast? hehehes. now eugene and me talking about the sv trip. recalling. lols. funny memories. btw, wish all the sv peeps who going for the ambassador interview all the best! tata all. [[:

Saturday, September 6, 2008 11:31 PM

lalala :DD today nth for the whole day. tuition and revision day? thats all i guess. chat with JY about some stuff. ((: tata. tomorrow is the last day of the holiday. TT_TT i still didnt do my school hwk yet. 1 word 3 letters. D-I-E. --" tata. nites!

12:05 AM

lalala :DD went to school to study. revise to be exact? supposed to reach school at 10am but arrived at 12pm. cool huh? ((: shahrie is not there anymore. --" shit him. dun care about him. reached school, met with junwei. he helped me buy kfc cos he on the way? met with reagan and ern too. they practicing bball. jia you! ((: then, entered room, start doing revision. soon, one after another, frank-ly, holly, junwei and ern came. food! before junwei and ern came, holly and robert were fighting about some stuff. not serious one. XDD eat eat eat. ernny disturb as usual. then something happen to jemimah. then suddenly, all gone. --" left me there. soon, zaidan came. talk talk talk. then guanan came. followed him all the way till he went home. went back to the lab 1. continued with what am doing. then lalala. talked with robert and frank-ly. talked till i really feels that being clever is damn so nice. --" then 5pm went home. supposed to go back by 4pm. dun care? thats all for the day. ((: tata. take care! nites.


btw, how was the bowling game today? [[:

i feel that today i write is damn unclear. go here and there. --"

Thursday, September 4, 2008 9:18 PM

another boring day for me. --" stayed at home. had 3 hours of tuition. bla bla bla. tomorrow might be going out for bowling. family outing i guess? i not sure if am going. btw, search and search and search, like this poem.

[Thinking of you, wherever you are.

We pray for our sorrows to end,
And hope that our hearts will blend.
Now I will step forward to realize this wish.

And who knows?
Starting a new journey may not be so hard
or maybe it already begun

There are many worlds,
but they share the same sky-
one sky, one destiny..]

nice isn't it. hehehs. taken from KH. ((: damn like this thingy. thats all for the day? maybe tomorrow going out to study. MAYBE only. i mean, before going out with the cheese family. --" 3 more days to school re-open. TT_TT

music of the day. [[:
-japanese version-
Passion ~Opening Version~(Japanese Version) - 宇多田ヒカル

-english version-
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru

Wednesday, September 3, 2008 10:57 PM

same as yest. stayed at home the whole day. --" my life getting boring-er and boring-er each day. tomorrow got maths/science and english tuition. dammit. let me count how many more days to school. now dun feel like going to school. school = stress. hmm, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday... WTF?! 4 more days?! --"these few days havent study properly. dammit once again. tomorrow try to wake up earlier. study study study. no more lappy for me. --" sian arr! btw, today chatted with guannie about a funny song from amatsuki. hehes. we gonna use it for our phone the ringtone if we got the song le. ((: hehehs. so waiting for the song to come out. thats all for the day bahh. tata. nites. ((: the song below is the song that gonna be our phone song. its creepy though.

Shuten Douji no Uta - Fukuhara Mari

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 11:29 PM

wow. 170th post. lols. hmm, stayed at home the whole day. got tuition for science and maths. others than that, anime? won guanan. he spend 2 days to watch amatsuki while i send one day? hehehs. he sick that time, so need 2 days. if no tuition, i guess i would only spend half a day to watch it finish? hehehes. 3 more days to lalala! :DD nth much happen today so thats all bahh. tomorrow maybe going to school? depands. ps danah, i forgotten about the library book. --" idk when i can return it. gonna post a few pics of amatsuki. hehehes. tata. take care! nites. ((:

Monday, September 1, 2008 10:28 PM

walao, i felt cheated a lot of times for the day. --" today was supposed to go to marine parade library by 9.30am like that, so i woke up at 7.30am to 8am like that. then hor, i smsed danah and guannie to wake up. but no reply. wait wait wait till 11am like that. both wake up at the same time i think.

they said : heni, where you?
i replied : at home arr. where you?
guanan : heng arr. cos i just woke up. i scared that you at library there waiting for us ALONE. (i think it is somehow like that. forgotten the real one.)

i felt so cheated lahh. wake up so early for no reason like that. TT_TT soon, we agreed on going to mummy's house to study. so at 1.45pm like that meet. in the conver with mummy, guannie and danah, after discussing about what time reach mummy's house and etc etc, talked bout the climate. then guannie said that my house there very misty. then bla bla bla.

joke around with guannie and danah till we reached mummy's house. btw, i kena cheated cos of the curry. --" the rice damn hard, how to eat! danah joke joke with daddy and jonny on sms. reached mummy's house, supposed to study. eventually, we all joke joke, laugh laugh, draw draw like that. nvr do serious self-study. --"

now i decided not to ask daddy and jonny to come along the next time we have self-study. got them, very jialat one. going home, almost steal mummy's $100 bear? is it a bear? aiya, what am sure is that, it is a soft toy.

jonny go 1st followed by me. idk about the rest. reached home, watch tv and bla bla bla. btw, watched 'happy birthday' the movie. very long time ago de movie. is nice but kind of, PG + NC16. the story confusing but overall nice. ((: thats all bahh. tata. nites. take care! [[: