Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:40 PM

i move to onsugar due to the some problem using blogger.


link me, and i will link you back.

byes! :DD

Monday, August 17, 2009 11:02 PM

blogger still got something wrong.
so no photo yet. --"
realised that one by one, people quit blogging or go to another blog web.

will blog again after CT2!
tag will also be replied after CT2!
cheers and all the best! :DD

Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:06 PM

Singapore Flag Pictures, Images and Photos

happy 44th birthday singapore! :DD

well, actually wanted to put yesterday the yesterday photo. --"
if i gonna wait for the photo, idk when i can post. LOL!
gonna take the photos from the school storage when i go to school on tuesday.
had been pissed off a lot of times cos people last minute cancel things.

went out with holly and ru wei to buy pant.
after that, went out with my sis to buy shirt.

kinda feel fucked up with one teacher. --"
parade was a success and then i helped out for the cca leader.
after that, went to take photo of the basketball and soccer.
idk that got captain ball. sian, didnt take photo of people playing. )):

went out with danah and holly for lunch and met up with saufi. ((:
met mrs tay and mrs ho! hahaha! :DD
mrs tay send us back home, funny stuffs happened!
after that, went to meet jackson and jonny at parkway.
slacked at ecp. crapped, joked and etc.

ate at ayam peyet.
after that, went to buy bubble tea and then headed home.
as usual, the three people send me home. ((:

went out with danah, ern and jackson.
last minute say wanna go out. --"
met at bedok with danah then go to tamp to find ern and jackson.
all got at least one part wear black. haha. i from top to bottom all black. ((:

went to tamp, then bugis.
after that, wanted to go parkway slack but i cant so they send me home.
reached home, i got weird stuffs.
when i on my bed, i felt damn sleepy.
but when i get out from my bed, not sleepy at all. --"
in the end, decided to sleep. LOL!

went out with my sis to parkway first.
then meet up with danah, ern, jonny and sally at tamp.
watch g.i joe. ((:
not a waste of money i guess.

something happened after that.
LOL. go in $10, go out $100. haha.
only those people who went to the movie knows what the hell am talking about. ((:
went to eat at yoshinoya and then headed home.

chatted with ern and i found this damn funny! :DD

||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
damn troublesome sia
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
see their mood
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
see who coming
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
see thetime
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
see the place
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
||*E.5.N.*|| C!B || C!C!S!S ||====> all that matters...is happiness. says:
like planning some terrorist attack

yeah yeah, am pissed at those who last min cancel.
forgive and forget but i will cancel the forget part. ((:
i wondered about are you my friend or not.
now i know that you are not really inside the 'friend' part.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 7:32 PM

currently addicted to this song. ((:

damn, the blog still got something wrong. --"
okays, everyday was okay.
getting sleepier and sleepier each day.
but the good thing is that, i can wake up earlier! :DD
last time always woke up at around 6.40am.
now 6.25am like that! wow!

got a lot of mixed up feeling nowadays. damn!!
i think i getting more bias than last time. LOL!
well, got a lot of jokes going around. haha.

national day is coming in a few more days.
exams are coming in a few more weeks.
my birthday is coming in a few more months.
poly life is going to start in a few more years.

LOL?! am getting more and more random! --"
more duties to do as well as homework.
sian sia. i gonna talk about today le. --"

school was really okay except i slept a lot of times.
dnt is a real killer. )):
parade was so so. enjoyed the training except for those flies! X((
went home after practice. damn, we only got one rehearsal?! --"

gonna have trouble finding red and white clothes. dammit!
someone help!! fuck it man! DDX

okays. thats all! hahahahhahaha! love ya guys! :]]

life is so troublesome.

Saturday, August 1, 2009 11:16 PM

arrgghh. no pic for the day. damn!
this blog thingy getting crazier and crazier each day. --"

well, had fun almost everyday i guess.
got some sad part lahh. --"
especially the merging thingy.
shall not talk about it. LOL! :DD
i dont want anything to happen to my blog. ((:

i think i need to study real hard for my coming CA.
shit, i need someone to help me! --"
arrgghh. now feeling damn mix up.
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
shall not say the reason, only danah knows why. haha!

went out with the usual people except for one.
to lazy to name them all. --"
so yeah, crazy things can make you feel guilty in the end.
lalalala, i feel like doing some random stuffs.
idk what i gonna do, maybe repent? damn, i feeling sad.

gonna end it now.
short and simple.
thats how everything suppose to be.
but, who give a shit about it?
well, maybe i do.

life is just like a seesaw.
up and down, up and down.
life is short, so just do whatever you want.
no one knows when you gonna die.
i feel so fucking .........

Sunday, July 26, 2009 1:29 AM

number 5 made by jack? (LOUSY! mine is better!)

went out around 3.30 to meet danah at bedok inter.
around 4 reached bedok.
then went to buy some stuffs and headed to where the bball players practicing.

reached there, sat for a while and then jonny told us that they going somewhere else to train.
danah and i tompang mr hiu's car cos the bballers had to run to the place where they gonna train.

slacked with danah.
ranted out what we two feel at that point.
kinda fun i guess, talked about some lame stuffs as well.

the bballers training damn --"
they had to go up and down the stairs for like 5 times.
completed everything le, they do zen thingy.
mr hiu kinda evil and did something.

around 5pm, everything finished.
wanted to cycle but all the bballers tired.
went to buy and drink bubble tea.
jackyass bought for me but both totally sucks. --"

went to parkway with danah, ern and jonny.
jackson went home and then met us when he finished.
walked around parkway thinking of where to eat.
finally, decided on pastamania.

realised that everyone's birthday is always at pastamania. LOL! :DD
jacky and me got 30% off cos one girl who we dont know who, works there. ((:

after finish eating, went to nz to eat ice cream.
ern asked me to pay so yeah, i paid. --"
crapped while eating.
when all decided to go back, jackson go buy bubble tea. (how many bubble tea you gonna drink in one day?!!)

slacked in front of the bubble tea shop.
ern, who is so tired from the bball training, become so alive again cos of some stuffs. --"

took bus home and thanks again to those 4 people who send me home! :DD

OMF. i think i sense trouble coming up! --"
i damn shy cos of those 2 or 4 people!
gonna beat them up when i see them.
i shall not say anything to prevent something from happening.
am being good now! :DD

be grateful!! XDD
am a kind soul? LOL!

happy belated birthday to jonny.
happy birthday to aniela, fathin and jue ying!
happy advance birthday to eugene seoh! :DD

Saturday, July 25, 2009 1:43 PM

ern, zack, jack, guanan, afina and danah. ((:

this few days kinda fun i guess.
clip up my fringe for the whole week and i plan to do that until my fringe get longer.

comment for the week.
monday was okay.
tuesday was okay.
wednesday was okay.
thursday was okay.
friday was okay.

well, tuesday was danah's birthday.
celebrate it with afina and guannie.
after ern end his bball, he cam with jack and zack to celebrate danah's birthday.
got some bad stuffs i guess?

thursday was really okay except for the pe lesson. --"
after school, went out with danah to tamp then to bedok.
shopped with her.

friday, got girl guide.
not really fun i guess.
after gg, went home to bathe and change.
went out to parkway to meet the bballers.
reached there, realised that zack was the last one.
shocked to see ern that he look so ah-bengish.
glad that my fringe was okay! :DD

waited and waited.
joked around as well.
finally, zack came.
we were like wahh all black except for eugene. (he was wearing red shirt)
somehow eugene look like the gang leader! lol.

while walking towards ecp, saw one group all white except for one guy using red.
we were like LOL?
idk who said "eugene go fight with the red shirt guy"

reached the pit, almost all the people we dont know.
we sat on one corner.
emo-ed there with the rest.
jack and zack were like somehow gaying? ((:
cos they lie down on the rock side near the sea there.
only both of them and its like at night so cant see anything. ROFL! :DD

in the end, everyone did the same thing as the two of them.
lie down then emo-ed.
gonna whack jack and dannish to make me ps. --"

around 9.45, we all zhao to parkway.
ate snow ice and the whole shop were like owned by us. ((:
after that, say goodbye to zack cos he take different side of bus with us. (well, he took taxi again instead of bus) --"
took bus home with ern, eugene, jackson, kai xiang and another guy. (i know how to read your name but idk how to spell your name, sorry!)

kai xiang said that am lucky cos i got 5 people to send me home.
i was like "not really, from 9 to 5 lei"
hahaha. ((:

really appriciate the thought people! :DD

i realised that life is not so simple.
so many complicated things are happening around us.
its impossible for the good things to happen all the time.
after good thing, there is always the bad thing.

what are friends for?
cant really trust those people who just act to be friend with you.